Tus neeg siv phau ntawv

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Evaluate waveform via autoset
5 types: Sine, Square, Video Signal, DC Level, Unknown Signal
The corresponding menus are shown below:
Sine (Multi-Period, Single-Period, FFT, Cancel Autoset)
Rectangle (Multi-Period, Single-Period, Rising Edge, Falling Edge, Cancel Autoset)
Video Signal:
DC Level, Unknown Signal:
Description of the icons:
Multi Period: Displays several periods at the same time
Single Period: Displays one period
FFT: Switches to FFT mode
Rising Edge: Shows rising edge of the waveform
Falling Edge: Shows falling edge of the waveform
Cancel Autoset: Back to previous menu and waveform information
Run/Stop: Activates or deactivates the sampling of the waveform display.
Note: If there is no sampling in STOP status, the vertical divisions or the horizontal time base can still be
adjusted in a certain range. In other words, the signal can still be extended in the horizontal or vertical range.
If the horizontal time base is <50ms, the horizontal time base can still be reduced by 4 divisions.
Single: Pressing this button allows the trigger mode to trigger a single sample, with waveform capture
stopping after one sample.
Copy: You can save the waveform using the Copy button in any menu. The source of the waveform and the
storage location are defined in the Save menu. Please also read the corresponding chapter "Saving and
recalling data".