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Automatic measuring functions
Press the Measure button to switch to the menu for the automatic measurement functions.
The oscilloscope has 30 parameters for automatic measurement such as: Period, Frequency, Mean, PK-PK,
RMS, Max, Min, Top, Base, Amplitude, Overshoot,Preshoot, Rise Time, Fall Time, +PulseWidth, -
PulseWidth, +Duty Cycle, -Duty Cycle, Delay A→B , Delay A→B , Cycle RMS, Cursor RMS, Screen
Duty, Phase, +PulseCount, -PulseCount, RiseEdgeCnt, FallEdgeCnt, Area, and Cycle Area....
The "Automatic measurement functions" menu is described below:
Meas Type
(left menu)
Selecting the measuring function
Selecting the source for the measurement function
to be applied (2 & 4 CH models)
Selecting the source for the measurement function
to be applied (4 CH models)
Adds the measurement function to the
measurement field (displayed at the bottom left),
with a maximum of 8 measurements possible at
the same time
Meas Type
(left menu)
Selects the measurement functions to remove
Removes the selected measuring function
Remove All
Removes all measuring functions
CH1 / CH2
Displays all measurement functions for CH1 or CH2 simultaneously
Hides the measurement window for all CH1 or CH2 measurements
(4 CH models)
Displays all measurement functions for CH1 to CH4 simultaneously
Hides the measurement window for all CH1 to CH4 measurements
Trade fairs
A measurement can only be carried out when the channel is switched on. The automatic measurement
function cannot be activated in the following three situations:
1) With a stored waveform
2) For the Dual Wfm Math waveform (mathematical function)
3) In video trigger mode.
Period and frequency cannot be measured in scan format.
For example, to measure period and frequency for channel 1, proceed as follows:
1. Press Measure in the lower menu to open the automatic measurement functions.
2. Select Add from the bottom menu.
3. In the right-hand menu, select CH1 under the Source menu.
4. In the left menu, turn the M knob to select the period.
5. In the right menu, press Add to add the period to the measurement field.
6. In the left menu, turn the M-rotary knob to select the frequency.
7. In the right menu, press Add to add the frequency to the measurement field.
The measured values are automatically displayed in the lower, left-hand measuring field (red marking).