Tus neeg siv phau ntawv

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Playback Mode
Frame Set
Start Frame
End Frame
Cur Frame
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the number of the start
recording frame (1-1000).
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the number of the end
recording frame (1-1000).
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the number of the current
recording frame (1-1000).
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the interval of playback
Play Mode
Playback is repeated as an endless loop
Playback only once
Starts playback
Stops playback
Storage: Saves the current waveform recording with respect to the defined start and stop frames.
The storage menu is displayed as follows:
Frame Set
Start Frame
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the number of the start
recording frame (1-1000).
End Frame
Turn the M-rotary knob to set the number of the end
recording frame (1-1000).
Saves selected waveform recording to internal memory
Loads selected waveform recording from internal
Use the waveform pick-up as described below:
1. Press the Save button.
2. Select Type in the lower picture menu, select Record with the M-rotary knob or touch screen.
3. Select Mode in the lower picture menu and OFF in the right menu.
4. In the bottom menu, select Storage as Internal.
5. Select Mode in the bottom menu and then Record in the right menu.
6. Then select FrameSet in the bottom menu, set the EndFrame and the Interval in the right menu.
7. Press Refresh in the lower menu.
8. Then select Operate as Play.
9. Select Mode in the lower menu, then Playback in the right menu. Set FrameSet and Playmode, then
Operate as Play.
10. To save a waveform image, select Mode in the lower image menu, then Storage in the right menu. Select
FrameSet in the lower menu to select the range of frames, which are then saved via Save.
11. To load the waveform from the internal memory, select Load in the lower menu and then Playback of
the mode to analyse the waveform.
Note: Sampling, triggering and display functions are not available during waveform playback.
If the storage medium is set to external, only two modes are available: OFF and Record.