Tus neeg siv phau ntawv

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Waveform recording
The oscilloscope can store 100 waveforms, which can be displayed again simultaneously with the current
waveform. The recalled waveform cannot be adjusted subsequently, but remains in the form in which it was
For example, to save a waveform from CH1 to memory address 1, proceed as follows:
1. Press the Save button
2. Save: Select Type in the lower menu and use the M-rotary knob to go to Wave in the left menu.
3. Select Source in the lower menu and then CH1 in the right menu to select channel 1 as the source.
4. Select Object & Show from the lower menu, then turn the M knob to select 1 as the memory address
from the left menu.
5. Then select Storage from the bottom menu and Internal from the right menu.
6. Then select Save in the lower menu to save the waveform.
7. Recall: Select Object&Show in the lower menu, then select the location 1 in the left menu. Then select
Show as ON so that the waveform saved under 1 is displayed. Address number and all other relevant
information are shown in the top left of the display.
Regardless of the type selected in the Save menu, you can always save the current waveform directly as a
BIN file by pressing the Copy key without having to go via the Storage menu. If the storage has been set to
external, make sure that there is also an external storage medium attached to the oscilloscope. Please carry
out the setup of the USB storage as shown in the following chapters.
Save screenshot
A screenshot can only be stored on an external USB memory.
1. Install a USB memory: Insert a USB stick into the "USB Host Port" of the unit. If a USB symbol is
displayed at the top right, the USB memory has been correctly recognised and connected. If the USB
memory is not recognised correctly, please proceed as described in the corresponding chapter.
2. After the USB memory has been connected, press the Save button so that the Save menu is displayed
at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select Type in the lower menu and turn the M knob until Image appears.
4. Press the Save button to save the screenshot. A virtual keyboard opens, which you can operate with
the M rotary knob or via the touch screen function. Enter a file name with a maximum of 16 characters
and confirm with the Enter key .
USB memory requirements
The supported file format of a USB memory is: FAT21 file system with a cluster size of no more than 4KB. A
USB mass storage device is also supported. If a connected USB memory does not work, format it as
described in the following two options: The system tool or a formatting tool. (8Gbyte or larger USB memory
sticks can be formatted with the second method).