
Flyport Wi-Fi and Ethernet Programmer's guide framework 2.3 (rev 1.0)
Flyport Wi-Fi
The Web Pages import tool, using the Flyport Wi-Fi module, generates a MPFSImg2.s file, and also all
the references to the dynamic variables inside the HTTPPrint.h file. Those files, with the customized
HTTPApp.c that should be used (and modified) to handle all the callback functions, must be compiled
and downloaded inside the hardware.
Flyport Ethernet
The Flyport Ethernet permits user to upload the web pages inside a on-board mounted flash
memory, or inside the PIC memory.
If it is chosen the PIC memory, the upload method is the same as the Flyport Wi-Fi, so every time a
change is done at the web pages a new download must be done.
If the external memory is chosen, the IDE generates a MPFSImg2.bin file (and not the MPFSImg2.s),
inside the project folder. This file should be loaded inside the external Flash Memory, using a browser
that points to the mpfsupload page embedded inside the Flyport Ethernet, at the address
http://fly_eth_ip_addr/mpfsupload, where fly_eth_ip_addr is the IP Address of the Flyport
Ethernet module where to upload the new pages.