- Multi-Tech Router Quick Start Guide

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RF550VPN Quick Start Guide
2b. Other ISP Setting Options: Connect to Cable ISP and PPPoE Settings
Connect to Cable ISP
Use this screen to have the program
automatically get your IP settings from your
ISP DHCP server and to see a description of
each option.
· Select Connect to Cable ISP.
· Click Next.
PPPoE Settings
Use this screen when your ISP requires you
to enter your ISP settings and you want to
use PPPoE settings.
· Enter your User Name, Password, Retype
the Password (for verification), and select
your idle time.
· Select your Connection Type by clicking
on the desired connection type button.
· Choose either Dynamic or Fixed. This will
determine how you IP address will be
A Dynamic IP address is one automatically
assigned by your ISP.
A Fixed IP address is an address that
always stays the same. You will have to
enter the Fixed IP address assigned by
your ISP and your IP Netmask.
· Click Next.