
Creating/Loading Hex Images 6 - 15
IPL Error Detection
While receiving data, IPL performs many checks on the data to ensure that the data is received correctly. If an error
is detected, IPL immediately aborts the download, and reports the error on an error screen.
Error screens vary depending on the action performed. A sample error screen may look like the screen pictured
Figure 6-18 IPL Error Screen
This error message screen displays until a key is pressed. Once the screen is acknowledged, IPL returns to the
Initial Program Loader main menu to wait for a new selection.
To find the probable cause of the error, use the error number and/or the error text displayed on the screen to look
up the error in Table 6-4.
INVALID VOLUME NAME In Script Properties window, one of the volume labels is not valid.
Corrupt TCM.INI file! (Invalid value
of VolumeDivisor)
The VolumeDivisor entry is missing or invalid in the TCM.ini. Reinstall TCM or
recover TCM.ini.
Invalid version of TCM script file The TCM script was not created by this version of TCM.
Corrupt or missing TCM.ini file TCM could not find TCM.ini file.
PORT (Could not get status)
While downloading images to mobile computer, TCM failed to connect to the
selected COM port. Check if the COM port is free and is properly configured.
TERMINAL (Terminal Not
Connected Properly/Terminal Not
Ready to Receive)
While downloading images, TCM failed to connect to the mobile computer.
Check if the correct flow control protocol is selected and the mobile computer
is properly connected and is in a listening state.
Table 6-3
TCM Error Messages (Continued)
Error Description/Solution
via Serial Port 115200
Error # -2 : Messages:
Cancelled by user
Press any key to continue