User`s manual
• .WRITDLN (output line with data in pointer/count format) uses the monitor I/O
routine which outputs a user string containing embedded variable fields. The user
passes the starting address of the string and the data stack address containing the data
which is inserted into the string. The output goes to the default output port.
• .SNDBRK (send break) sends a break to the default output port.
• .TM_INI (timer initialization) initializes the MC68331 MCU device periodic
interrupt timer.
• .TM_STR0 (start timer at T=0) resets the timer to zero and starts it.
• .TM_RD (read timer) reads the timer count.
• .DELAY (timer delay) generates timing delays.
• .RETURN (return to CPU32Bug) returns control to CPU32Bug from the target
• .BINDEC (convert binary to Binary Coded Decimal) calculates the BCD equivalent
of a specified binary number.
• .CHANGEV (parse value) parses value in user specified buffer.
• .STRCMP (compare two strings in pointer/count format) compares equality and
returns a Boolean flag to the caller.
• .MULU32 (multiply two 32-bit unsigned integers) multiplies two 32-bit unsigned
integers and returns the product on the stack as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
• .DIVU32 (divide two 32-bit unsigned integers) divides two 32-bit unsigned integers
and returns the quotient on the stack as a 32-bit unsigned integer.