Service Manual

momentarily press the PTT button,
wait for the confirmation tone, and
return the channel selector to a voice channel.
The VRS will not perform a portable-to-base audio repeat while the
portable is transmitting on a “message request” channel.
NOTE: A message cannot be generated from the control head
while the VRS is activated.
Status The VRS will command the ASTRO mobile to send out a CPS-
programmed status on the mode currently displayed on the control
head, in the same manner as if the request to send status had been
generated using the control head. The VRS will send out only one
status per received portable signal. No mode steering will occur; the
currently steered/latched mode and the selected mobile mode will
remain as they were before the request to send a status was received.
If the status selected is valid, the VRS will transmit to the portable the
mobile tones indicating whether or not the valid status was
acknowledged. If the status selected is invalid, (either incorrectly
programmed in CPS or not a valid status for the currently displayed
mode), the VRS will send a low-pitched alarm tone to the portable.
To generate a status request, the portable user would:
select the channel on the portable programmed for the status
momentarily press the PTT button,
wait for the confirmation tone, and
return the channel selector to a voice channel.
The VRS will not perform a portable-to-base audio repeat while the
portable is transmitting on a “status request” channel.
NOTE: A status cannot be generated from the control head
while the VRS is activated.
Time-Out Timer The Time-out Timer (TOT) duration value sets the maximum allowable
time for a base-to-portable transmission. The VRS TOT may be set to
30, 60, 120 seconds, or disabled. When a unit times out, it counts up
to delay state one. This removes it as the priority unit.
VRS Single Tone When the VRS unit is enabled, it transmits an audible tone (Single
Tone) for 700 mS which is used by other VRS units for the automatic
prioritization routine. The Single Tone frequency is fixed at 847.5 Hz.