User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Advanced Features
Editing the Alias of a Waypoint
While in the current location display:
1 Press the Menu Select button directly below Optn.
2 U or D to Waypoints and press the Menu Select button
directly below Sel.
3 The display shows a list of waypoints.
4 U or D to the required saved waypoint, and press the Menu
Select button directly below Optn.
5 U or D to Edit name and press the Menu Select button
directly below Sel.
6 A blinking cursor appears in the Edit Name screen.
Use the keypad to edit the alias.
< to move one space to the left.
> to move one space to the right.
Press the Menu Select button directly below Del to delete
any unwanted characters.
* to add a space.
Press 0 to toggle between mixed case mode, uppercase
mode, and lowercase mode.
Press # to toggle between numeric and letter mode.
7 Press the Menu Select button directly below Ok once you
are done.
Press the Menu Select button directly below Cncl to return
to the Waypoints main screen.
8 The display shows <Waypoint name> Updated and the
radio returns to the Waypoints main screen.
9 Press the Menu Select button directly below Back to return
to the previous screen.
H, the PTT button, or the preprogrammed GPS
button to return to the Home screen.