User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Advanced Features
Turning On the Bluetooth Audio (Routing the
Audio from the Radio to the Headset)
1 < or > to BT. Press the Menu Select button directly below
BT to access the Bluetooth feature screen.
2 U or D to Bluetooth spkr and press the Menu Select
button directly below On. The display shows On.
3 Press the Menu Select button directly below Exit to return
to the Home screen.
1 Short press the preprogrammed button to route the audio
routing from the radio to the headset.
2 You hear a short, medium-pitched tone. The display shows
Headset on.
Turning Off the Bluetooth Audio (Routing the
Audio from the Headset to the Radio)
1 < or > to BT. Press the Menu Select button directly below
BT to access the Bluetooth feature screen.
2 U or D to Bluetooth spkr and press the Menu Select
button directly below Off. The display shows Off.
3 Press the Menu Select button directly below Exit to return
to the Home screen.
1 Press the preprogrammed button to route the audio routing
from the headset to the radio.
2 You hear a short, medium-pitched tone. The display shows
Speaker on.