User's Manual

User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter (Draft, Continued)
General Safety Precautions
Compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposure to
Electromagnetic Energy (EME) at Transmitter Antenna sites generally
requires that Personnel working at a site shall be aware of the
potential for exposure to EME and can exercise control of exposure by appropriate means, such as adhering
to warning sign instructions, using standard operating procedures (work practices), wearing personal
protective equipment, or limiting the duration of exposure. For more details and specific guidelines, see
Appendix A of the Motorola Standards and Guidelines for Communications Sites manual.
Observe the following general safety precautions during all phases of operation, service, and repair of the equipment
described in this manual. Follow the safety precautions listed and all other warnings and cautions necessary for the safe
operation of all equipment. Refer to the appropriate section of the product service manual for additional pertinent safety
information. Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any
unauthorized modifications of equipment.
The installation process requires preparation and knowledge of
the site before installation begins. Review installation procedures
and precautions in the Motorola Standards and Guidelines for
Communications Sites manual before performing any site or component installation.
Always follow all applicable safety procedures, such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
requirements, National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements, local code requirements, safe working practices. Also, good
judgment must be made by personnel. General safety precautions include the following:
Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in this manual before
installing, servicing, or operating the equipment. Retain these safety instructions for future reference.
If troubleshooting the equipment while power is on, be aware of the live circuits.
Do not operate the radio transmitters unless all RF connectors are secure and all connectors are properly
All equipment must be properly grounded in accordance with the Motorola Standards and Guidelines for
Communications Sites manual and specified installation instructions for safe operation.
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover openings that protect the
devices from overheating.
Only a qualified technician familiar with similar electronic equipment should service equipment.
Some equipment components can become extremely hot during operation. Turn off all power to the equipment
and wait until sufficiently cool before touching.
Maintain emergency first aid kits at the site.
Have personnel call in with their travel routes to help ensure their safety while traveling between remote sites.
Institute a communications routine during certain higher risk procedures where the on-site technician continually
updates management or safety personnel of the progress so that help can be dispatched if needed.
Never store combustible materials in or near equipment racks. The combination of combustible material, heat,
and electrical energy increases the risk of a fire safety hazard.
Equipment shall be installed in site meeting the requirements of a "restricted access location," per UL60950-1,
which is defined as follows: "Access can only be gained by service persons or by user who has been warned
about the possible burn hazard on equipment metal housing. Access to the equipment is through the use of a tool
or lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location."
Burn haz
ard. The metal housing of the product may become extremely hot. Use caution when working around the