Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Safety Cautions
Fire and explosion
Keep flames away
Store fuel and engine oil in a well
ventilated designated area.
Make sure that the caps of fuel and
engine oil containers are tightly
Do not use flames, do not smoke,
and do not work near a heater or other fire hazard
where fuel or oil is handled or when cleaning solvent is
being used for washing parts.
Wipe off spilled fuel, oil and LLC immediately and thor-
oughly. Spilled fuel, oil and LLC may ignite and cause
a fire.
Keep surrounding area tidy and clean
Do not leave combustible or explosive materials, such
as fuel, engine oil and LLC, near the engine. Such sub-
stances can cause fire or explosion.
Remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials accumu-
lated on the engine and surrounding parts thoroughly.
Such materials can cause fire or the engine to over-
heat. In particular, clean the top surface of the battery
thoroughly. Dust can cause a short-circuit.
Always operate the engine at a position at least 1 m
[3.28 ft.] away from buildings and other equipment to
prevent possible fire caused by engine heat.
Avoid accessing crankcase until engine
Do not attempt to open the side cover of the crankcase
before the engine cools down. Wait at least 10 minutes
after stopping the engine.
Opening the cover when the engine is hot allows fresh
air to flow into the crankcase, which can cause oil mist
to ignite and explode.
Care about fuel, oil and exhaust gas leakage
If any fuel, oil or exhaust gas leakage is found, immedi-
ately take corrective measures to stop it.
Such leakages, if left uncorrected, can cause fuel or
engine oil to reach hot engine surfaces or hot exhaust
gas to contact flammable materials, possibly leading to
personal injury and/or damage to equipment.
Use explosion-proof lighting apparatus
When inspecting fuel, engine oil, coolant, battery elec-
trolyte, etc., use a flameproof light. An ordinary light, if
accidentally broken, may ignite and cause an explo-
Prevent electrical wires from short-circuit-
Avoid inspecting or servicing the electrical system with
the ground cable connected to the battery. Otherwise,
a fire could result from short-circuiting. Be sure to dis-
connect the battery cable from the negative (-) terminal
before beginning with the work procedure.
Short-circuits, possibly resulting in fire, may be caused
by a loose terminal or damaged cable/wire. Inspect the
terminals, cables and wires, and repair or replace the
faulty parts before beginning with the service proce-
Keep fire extinguishers and first-aid kit
Keep fire extinguishers handy, and
become familiar with their usage.
Keep a first-aid kit at the designated
place where it is easily accessible
by anyone at any time.
Establish response procedures to
follow in the event of fire or accident. Provide an emer-
gency evacuation route, contact points, and means of
communication in case of emergency.