Owner`s manual

4. Apply a light coat of grease to the bearing contact area of the axle (Figure 14.20).
The grease areas should be about 1 inch (25 mm) wide. On the drive side, start at the
bearing seal. On the non-drive side, start at the splines and apply toward the drive side
of the axle.
Figure 14.21. Sliding the axle through the bearings
Figure 14.20. Greasing the axle
5. Insert the axle through the drive-side bearing in the bottom bracket (Figure 14.21).
To Install The Non-Drive Side Crankarm
1. Apply a light coat of grease to the inside of the other bearing seal.
2. With the grease side toward the bearing, slide the bearing seal onto the axle (Figure
3. Align the non-drive crank arm with the groove on the axle and slide the crank onto the
The non-drive crank arm should point 180 degrees opposite of the drive-side crank
4. With the plastic installation tool, press the crank onto the axle (Figure 14.23) as far as
it will go.
5. Release the installation tool and spin the cranks 10 to 20 revolutions.
6. Follow the Shimano instructions to complete the installation.
7. Follow the steps in “Inspecting the bottom bracket.
Figure 14.22. Pressing in the second bearing cover
Figure 14.23. Pressing the crank arm onto the axle