Instruction manual

2. Hold the camera as described on p.22.
3. Look through the eyepiece, place your subject somewhere within the
autofocus area, and press the shutter-release button down to take the picture.
4. After the exposure has been made, the camera will automatically advance
the film to the next frame and increase the film counter by one.
The focus signal will light in the viewfinder data panel when your subject
is in focus. See p.27 for a list of focus signals.
If you do not touch the grip sensor you must activate AF and AE by
pressing the shutter-release button partway down. Again, the in-focus signal
will light when the camera has focused on a subject.
If the focus signal blink in the viewfinder data panel, you must focus on
something else that is the same distance from you as your subject or else
focus the lens manually. Refer to p.43 for more information.