Service Parts List

Apply Type J’ Grease 0.5G
Apply RED Loctite 277 0.5ML
Apply Type J’ Grease 0.5G
Apply Type J’ Grease 1.2G
Apply Type J’ Grease 1.2G
Apply Type J’ Grease 1.2G
Apply Type J’ Grease 1.2G
Apply Type J’ Grease 1.2G
Apply Type J’ Grease 0.2G
Apply Type T Grease 0.4G
When servicing, remove 90-95% of the existing grease prior to installing Type 'J'.
Original grease may be similar in color but not compatible with 'J'.
= Type 'J' Grease 48-08-4220
= 277 Red Loctite 44-22-0050
= Type "T' Grease 49-08-4260