Installation Guide

Winching Tips and Use of a Snatch Block
Use OEM tow hooks, recovery eyes or a clevis mount for attachment of a tow strap or winch cable. Warning: Never use a ball and/or ball
mount as an anchor point for tow strap or winch cable. Severe personal injury or death could occur.
•Always heed all winch manufacturer’s recommendations, cautions, and warnings.
Attach return cable to tow hook or recovery eye when using a snatch block. Always use a clevis to secure snatch block to strap, or severe
damage could occur to persons and vehicle. (See Figure Below). Caution: Never attach return cable to winch mount. This may overload winch
mount and/or front receiver.
Safety Tips
For maximum line pull rating, winch cable direction must not exceed:
1. 15º angle up or down from horizontal (See Figure Below).
2. 45º angle left or right from straight ahead (See Figure Below).
Caution: Exceeding the maximum line pull rating may overload winch,
winch mount, and/or front mounted receiver.
NEVER DISENGAGE CLUTCH LEVER WHEN THERE IS A LOAD ON THE WINCH. Mile Marker electric winches utilize an automatic load holding
brake, therefore no adjustment to clutch is needed to maintain load.
Store the remote control cord in a safe place when not in use to prevent use by children or other unauthorized persons who could injure
themselves or others or damage the controls.
•Do not operate winch inder the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medications.
•Isolate winch before putting hands in or around the fairlead or wire rope drum (The Danger Zone).
DO NOT OVERLOAD YOUR WINCH. Do not maintain power to the winch if the drum stops. Overloads can damage the vehicle, winch or winch
rope and create unstable operating conditions.
It is recommended to lay a heavy blanket or jacket over the rope about halfway along to the hook attachment. If a rope failure should occur,
the weight of the cloth will act as a damper and help prevent the broken rope from whipping (See Figure Below). Remember to move the
blanket or jacket as winching proceeds, but halt winching when doing so. Partially raising the hood of the vehicle will also give a measure of
protection to its occupants from broken rope or cable, consistent with sufficient forward visibility for the operator.
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