Operation Manual

The SmartStart function lets you
define a period of time during which
your washing machine will start auto-
matically. The appliance will start on
receipt of a signal, e.g. from your en-
ergy supplier, that indicates that the
electricity tariff is particularly econom-
This function is active when the
SmartGrid setting is switched on.
The timeframe can be defined between
1 minute and 24 hours. During this
period, the washing machine waits for
the signal from the energy supplier. If no
signal is sent during the defined period,
the washing machine starts the wash
Setting the timeframe
If you have activated the SmartGrid
function in Settings, SmartStart by or
SmartFinish by will appear in the display
instead of Start at or Finish at when you
touch the  Timer sensor (see “Set-
tings – SmartGrid”).
The procedure for setting this is the
same as for setting the time for Delay
Now set the time you want and con-
firm with the OK sensor.
Touch the Start/Stop sensor to start
the wash programme with
The selected programme will start auto-
matically, as soon as the energy pro-
vider has sent the signal, or the latest
calculated start time has been reached.
The procedure for changing or delet-
ing the SmartStart function is the
same as described for the Delay start