Maintenance for 2001N, 2002N, and 1800R Manual

MOD30ML and Modcell Maintenance Manual
can be set to YES to provide the required resistors.
5. Apply power to the instrument.
6. Start the Application Builder software and access the Serial Port Setup menu, Figure 3.2.
(see Section 3.2.1 for detailed procedure). Select the serial port that is connected to the
instrument and confirm the port settings. The standard Base Addresses are 3F8, 2F8,
3E8 and 2E8 for Com1 through Com4 respectively. If unsure of the address, check the
computer hardware manual for configuration information. Set the Baud Rate to 9600,
Data Bits to 8, Parity to None and Stop Bits to 1.
7. Access the Communications Setup Menu, Figure 3.5 (see Section 3.2.2 for detailed
procedure), Set the Communications Type to Extended Modbus, set the Modbus
Address to match the module setting, and select the communication port to be used. The
ICN and Instrument number settings listed on the menu have no effect when Modbus
communication is selected.
8. Access the Instrument Status Display and click on the command line at the bottom of the
screen. Type R VERSION and click on Enter. This command returns the version of the
instrument. If the instrument responds, confirm that the reported version agrees with the
type of instrument that is being tested. The version return data is listed in Section 3.4.3.
9. If you are unable to establish communications in Step 8 proceed as follows:
Disconnect power and remove all analog and communications modules, except for
the Modbus module being used. Restore power and try to communicate again via
the R VERSION command.
If the problem still exists, disconnect all instruments from the network except the
one being tested. Restore power and try to communicate again via the R
VERSION command.
If still unable to communicate, replace the Modbus module.
If all previous procedures fail, replace the instrument.
4.2.3 Built-In ICN Communication
Troubleshoot problems with MOD 30ML built-in ICN communication as follows:
1. Remove power from the instrument and communications link.
2. Verify that the communications jumper in the instrument is in the correct location for built-
in communication via the ICN.
3. Verify that a communication module is not installed in instrument slots S9 and S10.
4. If a 1720N Communication Link is being used, verify the setup as follows:
The link can contain as many as 8 ICN interface boards each connected to a single
ICN with as many as 15 instruments. The interface board and instruments on each
ICN must have unique addresses. The hexadecimal address switch on each
interface board is factory set at 0; this allows addresses 1-15 ($1-$F) to be
assigned to the instruments via the ICN module address switch. The interface
board can be assigned any address (1-15). Be sure the interface board address
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