Operator`s manual

Prompting Chapter 10
470 Operators Manual
SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT, CLEAR - Clears current text in 2nd line of display
Miscellaneous Notes:
- There is a 40 character text limit on keyboard entry.
- The label field character count should be set to match the largest field.
All Calculator functions are performed on the operational buffer. Legitimate input are floating
point strings with up to 9 digit whole numbers and 9 digit fractions. Calculations are not
guaranteed beyond this limit. Calculator fractions, if beyond the 9 digit limit, are rounded to the
9th digit before calculations occur. If the whole number string is beyond 9 digits, the leading
digits are stripped before calculation.
Example: 9987654321.1234567899 would be redefined to 987654321.123456790 before any
calculation is performed.
The 470 floating point calculator does accept signed entry. Example: -23.45
In multiplication, if the answer overflows the 9 digit maximum on whole numbers and fractions,
the answer is indeterminate.
Division will round all fractional answers to 9 places if necessary.
All calculator operations are performed on the operational buffer by a text segment or field.
The following illustrates the calculator format:
Subtraction: (Operational Buffer) - (Text or Field)
Division: (Operational Buffer) / (Text or Field)
Multiplication: Don't care
Addition: Don't care
The results of all calculations reside in the operational buffer which can be transferred to a text
segment or field.
^A ^D Command
X 154 Do Addition on Operational Buffer:
X 155 Do Subtraction on Operational Buffer:
X 156 Do Multiplication on Operational Buffer:
X 157 Do Division on Operational Buffer: