Table Of Contents
- Power-Managed Modes:
- Flexible Oscillator Structure:
- Peripheral Highlights:
- Peripheral Highlights (Continued):
- Special Microcontroller Features:
- Pin Diagrams
- Pin Diagrams (Continued)
- Pin Diagrams (Continued)
- Table of Contents
- Most Current Data Sheet
- Errata
- Customer Notification System
- 1.0 Device Overview
- 2.0 Guidelines for Getting Started with PIC18F Microcontrollers
- 3.0 Oscillator Configurations
- 4.0 Power-Managed Modes
- 5.0 Reset
- 5.1 RCON Register
- 5.2 Master Clear (MCLR)
- 5.3 Power-on Reset (POR)
- 5.4 Brown-out Reset (BOR)
- 5.5 Device Reset Timers
- 5.5.1 Power-up Timer (PWRT)
- 5.5.2 Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
- 5.5.3 PLL Lock Time-out
- 5.5.4 Time-out Sequence
- TABLE 5-2: Time-out in Various Situations
- FIGURE 5-3: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR Tied to Vdd, Vdd Rise < Tpwrt)
- FIGURE 5-4: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR Not Tied to Vdd): Case 1
- FIGURE 5-5: Time-out Sequence on Power-up (MCLR Not Tied to Vdd): Case 2
- FIGURE 5-6: Slow Rise Time (MCLR Tied to Vdd, Vdd Rise > Tpwrt)
- FIGURE 5-7: Time-out Sequence on POR w/PLL Enabled (MCLR Tied to Vdd)
- 5.6 Reset State of Registers
- 6.0 Memory Organization
- 6.1 Program Memory Organization
- 6.2 PIC18 Instruction Cycle
- 6.3 Data Memory Organization
- 6.4 Data Addressing Modes
- 6.5 Data Memory and the Extended Instruction Set
- 6.6 PIC18 Instruction Execution and the Extended Instruction Set
- 7.0 Flash Program Memory
- 7.1 Table Reads and Table Writes
- 7.2 Control Registers
- 7.3 Reading the Flash Program Memory
- 7.4 Erasing Flash Program Memory
- 7.5 Writing to Flash Program Memory
- 7.6 Flash Program Operation During Code Protection
- 8.0 Data EEPROM Memory
- 9.0 8 X 8 Hardware Multiplier
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Operation
- EXAMPLE 9-1: 8 x 8 Unsigned Multiply Routine
- EXAMPLE 9-2: 8 x 8 Signed Multiply Routine
- TABLE 9-1: Performance Comparison for Various Multiply Operations
- EQUATION 9-1: 16 x 16 Unsigned Multiplication Algorithm
- EXAMPLE 9-3: 16 x 16 Unsigned Multiply Routine
- EQUATION 9-2: 16 x 16 Signed Multiplication Algorithm
- EXAMPLE 9-4: 16 x 16 Signed Multiply Routine
- 10.0 Interrupts
- 11.0 I/O Ports
- 12.0 Timer0 Module
- 13.0 Timer1 Module
- 14.0 Timer2 Module
- 15.0 Timer3 Module
- 16.0 Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) Modules
- Register 16-1: CCPxCON Register (CCP2 Module, CCP1 Module in 28-pin Devices)
- 16.1 CCP Module Configuration
- 16.2 Capture Mode
- 16.3 Compare Mode
- 16.4 PWM Mode
- 17.0 Enhanced Capture/ Compare/PWM (ECCP) Module
- Register 17-1: CCP1CON Register (ECCP1 Module, 40/44-pin Devices)
- 17.1 ECCP Outputs and Configuration
- 17.2 Capture and Compare Modes
- 17.3 Standard PWM Mode
- 17.4 Enhanced PWM Mode
- 17.4.1 PWM Period
- 17.4.2 PWM Duty Cycle
- 17.4.3 PWM Output Configurations
- 17.4.4 Half-Bridge Mode
- 17.4.5 Full-Bridge Mode
- 17.4.6 Programmable Dead-Band Delay
- 17.4.7 Enhanced PWM Auto-Shutdown
- 17.4.8 Start-up Considerations
- 17.4.9 Setup for PWM Operation
- 17.4.10 Operation in Power-Managed Modes
- 17.4.11 Effects of a Reset
- 18.0 Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) Module
- 18.1 Master SSP (MSSP) Module Overview
- 18.2 Control Registers
- 18.3 SPI Mode
- 18.4 I2C Mode
- FIGURE 18-7: MSSP Block Diagram (I2C™ Mode)
- 18.4.1 Registers
- 18.4.2 Operation
- 18.4.3 Slave Mode
- EXAMPLE 18-2: Address Masking
- FIGURE 18-8: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing with SEN = 0 (Reception, 7-Bit Addressing)
- FIGURE 18-9: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing with SEN = 0 and ADMSK<5:1> = 01011 (Reception, 7-bit Addressing)
- FIGURE 18-10: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing (Transmission, 7-Bit Addressing)
- FIGURE 18-11: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing with SEN = 0 and ADMSK = 01001 (Reception, 10-bit Addressing)
- FIGURE 18-12: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing with SEN = 0 (Reception, 10-Bit Addressing)
- FIGURE 18-13: I2C™ Slave Mode Timing (Transmission, 10-Bit Addressing)
- 18.4.4 Clock Stretching
- 18.4.5 General Call Address Support
- 18.4.6 Master Mode
- 18.4.7 Baud Rate
- 18.4.8 I2C Master Mode Start Condition Timing
- 18.4.9 I2C Master Mode Repeated Start Condition Timing
- 18.4.10 I2C Master Mode Transmission
- 18.4.11 I2C Master Mode Reception
- 18.4.12 Acknowledge Sequence Timing
- 18.4.13 Stop Condition Timing
- 18.4.14 Sleep Operation
- 18.4.15 Effects of a Reset
- 18.4.16 Multi-Master Mode
- 18.4.17 Multi -Master Communication, Bus Collision and Bus Arbitration
- FIGURE 18-27: Bus Collision Timing for Transmit and Acknowledge
- FIGURE 18-28: Bus Collision During Start Condition (SDA Only)
- FIGURE 18-29: Bus Collision During Start Condition (SCL = 0)
- FIGURE 18-30: BRG Reset Due to SDA Arbitration During Start Condition
- FIGURE 18-31: Bus Collision During a Repeated Start Condition (Case 1)
- FIGURE 18-32: Bus Collision During Repeated Start Condition (Case 2)
- FIGURE 18-33: Bus Collision During a Stop Condition (Case 1)
- FIGURE 18-34: Bus Collision During a Stop Condition (Case 2)
- TABLE 18-4: Registers Associated with I2C™ Operation
- 19.0 Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (EUSART)
- Register 19-1: TXSTA: Transmit Status And Control Register
- Register 19-2: RCSTA: Receive Status And Control Register
- Register 19-3: BAUDCON: Baud Rate Control Register
- 19.1 Baud Rate Generator (BRG)
- 19.2 EUSART Asynchronous Mode
- 19.3 EUSART Synchronous Master Mode
- 19.4 EUSART Synchronous Slave Mode
- 20.0 10-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D) Module
- Register 20-1: ADCON0: A/D Control Register 0
- Register 20-2: ADCON1: A/D Control Register 1
- Register 20-3: ADCON2: A/D Control Register 2
- FIGURE 20-1: A/D Block Diagram
- FIGURE 20-2: A/D Transfer Function
- FIGURE 20-3: Analog Input Model
- 20.1 A/D Acquisition Requirements
- 20.2 Selecting and Configuring Acquisition Time
- 20.3 Selecting the A/D Conversion Clock
- 20.4 Operation in Power-Managed Modes
- 20.5 Configuring Analog Port Pins
- 20.6 A/D Conversions
- 20.7 Discharge
- 20.8 Use of the CCP2 Trigger
- 21.0 Comparator Module
- Register 21-1: CMCON: Comparator Control Register
- 21.1 Comparator Configuration
- 21.2 Comparator Operation
- 21.3 Comparator Reference
- 21.4 Comparator Response Time
- 21.5 Comparator Outputs
- 21.6 Comparator Interrupts
- 21.7 Comparator Operation During Sleep
- 21.8 Effects of a Reset
- 21.9 Analog Input Connection Considerations
- 22.0 Comparator Voltage Reference Module
- 23.0 High/Low-Voltage Detect (HLVD)
- 24.0 Special Features of the CPU
- 24.1 Configuration Bits
- TABLE 24-1: Configuration Bits and Device IDs
- Register 24-1: CONFIG1H: Configuration Register 1 High (Byte Address 300001h)
- Register 24-2: CONFIG2L: Configuration Register 2 Low (Byte Address 300002h)
- Register 24-3: CONFIG2H: Configuration Register 2 High (Byte Address 300003h)
- Register 24-4: CONFIG3H: Configuration Register 3 High (Byte Address 300005h)
- Register 24-5: CONFIG4L: Configuration Register 4 Low (Byte Address 300006h)
- Register 24-6: CONFIG5L: Configuration Register 5 Low (Byte Address 300008h)
- Register 24-7: CONFIG5H: Configuration Register 5 High (Byte Address 300009h)
- Register 24-8: CONFIG6L: Configuration Register 6 Low (Byte Address 30000Ah)
- Register 24-9: CONFIG6H: Configuration Register 6 High (Byte Address 30000Bh)
- Register 24-10: CONFIG7L: Configuration Register 7 Low (Byte Address 30000Ch)
- Register 24-11: CONFIG7H: Configuration Register 7 High (Byte Address 30000Dh)
- Register 24-12: DEVID1: Device ID Register 1 for PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 Devices
- Register 24-13: DEVID2: Device ID Register 2 for PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 Devices
- 24.2 Watchdog Timer (WDT)
- 24.3 Two-Speed Start-up
- 24.4 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
- 24.5 Program Verification and Code Protection
- 24.6 ID Locations
- 24.7 In-Circuit Serial Programming
- 24.8 In-Circuit Debugger
- 24.9 Single-Supply ICSP Programming
- 24.1 Configuration Bits
- 25.0 Instruction Set Summary
- 25.1 Standard Instruction Set
- 25.2 Extended Instruction Set
- 26.0 Development Support
- 27.0 Electrical Characteristics
- Absolute Maximum Ratings(†)
- 27.1 DC Characteristics: Supply Voltage PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial) PIC18LF2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial)
- 27.2 DC Characteristics: Power-Down and Supply Current PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial) PIC18LF2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial)
- 27.3 DC Characteristics: PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial) PIC18LF2221/2321/4221/4321 (Industrial)
- 27.4 AC (Timing) Characteristics
- 27.4.1 Timing Parameter Symbology
- 27.4.2 Timing Conditions
- 27.4.3 Timing Diagrams and Specifications
- FIGURE 27-6: External Clock Timing (All Modes Except PLL)
- TABLE 27-6: External Clock Timing Requirements
- TABLE 27-7: PLL Clock Timing Specifications (Vdd = 4.2V to 5.5V)
- TABLE 27-8: AC Characteristics: Internal RC Accuracy
- FIGURE 27-7: CLKO and I/O Timing
- TABLE 27-9: CLKO and I/O Timing Requirements
- FIGURE 27-8: Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer and Power-up Timer Timing
- FIGURE 27-9: Brown-out Reset Timing
- TABLE 27-10: Reset, Watchdog Timer, Oscillator Start-up Timer, Power-up Timer and Brown-out Reset Requirements
- FIGURE 27-10: Timer0 and Timer1 External Clock Timings
- TABLE 27-11: Timer0 and Timer1 External Clock Requirements
- FIGURE 27-11: Capture/Compare/PWM Timings (All CCP Modules)
- TABLE 27-12: Capture/Compare/PWM Requirements (All CCP Modules)
- FIGURE 27-12: Parallel Slave Port Timing (PIC18F4221/4321)
- TABLE 27-13: Parallel Slave Port Requirements (PIC18F4221/4321)
- FIGURE 27-13: Example SPI Master Mode Timing (CKE = 0)
- TABLE 27-14: Example SPI Mode Requirements (Master Mode, CKE = 0)
- FIGURE 27-14: Example SPI Master Mode Timing (CKE = 1)
- TABLE 27-15: Example SPI Mode Requirements (Master Mode, CKE = 1)
- FIGURE 27-15: Example SPI Slave Mode Timing (CKE = 0)
- TABLE 27-16: Example SPI Mode Requirements (Slave Mode Timing, CKE = 0)
- FIGURE 27-16: Example SPI Slave Mode Timing (CKE = 1)
- TABLE 27-17: Example SPI Slave Mode Requirements (CKE = 1)
- FIGURE 27-17: I2C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Timing
- TABLE 27-18: I2C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Requirements (Slave Mode)
- FIGURE 27-18: I2C™ Bus Data Timing
- TABLE 27-19: I2C™ Bus Data Requirements (Slave Mode)
- FIGURE 27-19: Master SSP I2C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Timing Waveforms
- TABLE 27-20: Master SSP I2C™ Bus Start/Stop Bits Requirements
- FIGURE 27-20: Master SSP I2C™ Bus Data Timing
- TABLE 27-21: Master SSP I2C™ Bus Data Requirements
- FIGURE 27-21: EUSART Synchronous Transmission (Master/slave) Timing
- TABLE 27-22: EUSART Synchronous Transmission Requirements
- FIGURE 27-22: EUSART Synchronous Receive (Master/Slave) Timing
- TABLE 27-23: EUSART Synchronous Receive Requirements
- TABLE 27-24: A/D Converter Characteristics
- FIGURE 27-23: A/D Conversion Timing
- TABLE 27-25: A/D Conversion Requirements
- 28.0 Packaging Information
- Appendix A: Revision History
- Appendix B: Device Differences
- Appendix C: Conversion Considerations
- Appendix D: Migration from Baseline to Enhanced Devices
- Appendix E: Migration From Mid-Range to Enhanced Devices
- Appendix F: Migration From High-End to Enhanced Devices
- The Microchip Web Site
- Customer Change Notification Service
- Customer Support
- Reader Response
- PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 Product Identification System
- Worldwide Sales and Service
PIC18F2221/2321/4221/4321 FAMILY
DS39689F-page 22 © 2009 Microchip Technology Inc.
PORTD is a bidirectional I/O port or a Parallel Slave
Port (PSP) for interfacing to a microprocessor port.
These pins have TTL input buffers when the PSP
module is enabled.
19 38 38
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
20 39 39
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
21 40 40
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
22 41 41
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
27 2 2
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
28 3 3
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
Enhanced CCP1 output.
29 4 4
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
Enhanced CCP1 output.
30 5 5
Digital I/O.
Parallel Slave Port data.
Enhanced CCP1 output.
Pin Name
Pin Number
Legend: TTL = TTL compatible input CMOS = CMOS compatible input or output
ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels I = Input P = Power
C = ST with I
C™ or SMB levels O = Output
Note 1: Default assignment for CCP2 when Configuration bit, CCP2MX, is set.
2: Alternate assignment for CCP2 when Configuration bit, CCP2MX, is cleared.