
Filter Strokes, Mode, Length
You can also lter strokes using the Total Length modier for Thickness in the Sketch material.
When strokes are generated, a small number of lines are often “left over” and form very small
strokes or no strokes at all. These tend to look like artefacts or “blobs.” Enable the Filter Strokes
option to remove these unwanted lines. There are three modes for the strokes lter. Overlap is
the best one and is especially good at removing overlaps and small strokes. However, it is also the
slowest mode.
The Pixel mode lters all strokes below the Length value (in pixels). However, the problem with this
mode is that if you zoom the objects or scale them, the lter removes more or less because the pixel
size of the stroke has changed.
This mode also lters strokes below the Length value. The difference is that in this mode the
Length is specied as a percentage of the object’s screen bounds maximum, i.e. its width or height,
whichever is greater. This enables you to move or zoom objects without the effect changing.
Overlap is an intelligent mode. First it looks for overlapping strokes. When it nds them, it lters
the shorter stroke if it is shorter than the Length value and within the Distance value of the longer
stroke, where a Length value of 100% and a Distance value of 100% correspond to the longer
stroke’s length and Thickness value (Thickness tab).
Start, Angle
Various starting positions for the stroke using the Start and Angle settings.
These settings inuence the starting position of strokes. Note that the starting point is only a guide
for Sketch and Toon. Sketch and Toon will try to start here, but the stroke may start from an earlier
point if it can do so. You can set Start to the following modes.