
Material Default Background Color, Material Default Object Color
These settings control the default background and object color of the Sketch material’s preview. Set
them to Default to use CINEMA 4D’s standard settings for material previews. (Note that the object
color will be quantized, i.e. you’ll see bands of color appear for the object’s shading instead of a
smooth transition).
Material Default Scene
Here you can choose which scene is used to generate the preview, such as a scene containing a
rounded cube, cylinder or knot. Choose Standard to use the default scene dened on CINEMA 4D’s
Preferences > Material Preview tab.
This tab denes the default values for the Sketch and Toon post effect, Sketch material and Sketch
Style tag. For example, if you set the Sketch material’s Thickness to 5, new Sketch materials will use
a Thickness value of 5 by default.