
16 HOW TO...
HOW TO... 17
The tiles will be distributed over the network and rendered. Once the rendering is complete you will
have 9 or 25 les that can be pieced together in an image editor such as Adobe Photoshop to form
the still image.
However, before you network render the still image scene, you need to do a little set-up work in
First you set up a special camera called a tiled camera. More about this later.
Next, you set up an animation. Yes, you read correctly: an animation! This is because each tile will be
rendered as a frame in an animation. To render an image as 9 tiles you need to set up the scene to
animate 9 frames (i.e. to render from frame 0 to frame 8). To render an image as 25 tiles you need to
set up the animation to render from frame 0 to frame 24.
So how does CINEMA 4D know which part of the picture to render for each frame?
This is where the tiled camera comes in. It will automatically display the correct part of the picture (i.e.
the correct tile) for each frame. At frame 0, it will display the rst tile; at frame 1, the second tile and
so on.
To net render a still image:
Load the scene into CINEMA 4D.
From the Objects > Object Library menu, choose either 25 Tile Camera or 9
Tile Camera depending on whether you want the image to be rendered as 25
tiles or as nine tiles.
In the Object manager, select the tiled camera if it isn’t already selected.
From the 3D view’s Cameras > Scene Cameras menu, choose the camera’s
name to link the 3D view to the camera (‘camera9tile’ or ‘camera25tile’,
depending on which object you chose).
Move and rotate the camera so it shows the view that you want rendered.
In the Object manager, select the camera’s XPresso Expression tag. In the
Attribute manager, enable the tag’s Use Tiling option.
In the render settings, set the scene to animate from frames 0-8 (if you chose
a 9-tile camera) or frames 0-24 (if you chose a 25-tile camera).
Save the scene and pass it to NET Render (see the previous section: ‘How to
render a scene across the network.)
Once NET Render has nished rendering the tiles, load the tiles into an image
editor and piece them together to form the picture.