CINEMA 4D R11 Quickstart – HAIR
After you’ve had your fun with Hairbert’s hair and it has the look you want switch to the perspective view in
the editor window and position Hairbert so you can take a good look at him. Render the view and see what
Hairbert looks like (main menu: Render / Render View).
It seems that Hairbert is suffering from a minor case of hair loss. This is not due to stress but the fact that we
still need to make some changes to his hair settings. We’ll do that now.
First, we will turn our attention to the number of hairs Hairbert has. Select the HAIR object in the Object
Manager and set Count to 100,000 in the Hair tab menu in the Attribute Manager. Activate Fill Hairs in the
Fill Hairs tab and set Count to 80,000. Render the scene again. It should look similar to the image below. Poor
Hairbert has been transformed from a porcupine to a bad Prince Valiant look-alike. We’ll have to make more