CINEMA 4D R11 Quickstart – NET Render
6. Tips & Tricks
NET Render’s major advantage is that it lets small companies and small budgets do network renderings! Even
someone with only two computers can save time and nerves.
You must select only static TCP / IP addresses! It is especially important that computers with a dial-up modem
internet connection use the “dynamic“ setting. This setting must be set back when you want to reenter the
internet. A better solution would be to install the NET Server on a network computer that already has a fixed
TCP / IP address.
In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises, make sure every NET Client has access to all necessary files. Save the
CINEMA 4D scenes that are to be rendered using the option “File / Save Project“. Make sure all settings under
“Render / Render Settings“ are correct. It’s not necessary, though, to save your work to a specific path, which
brings us to our next issue: “Where do I find my finished work?“
You will find your rendered images or movie in the path you defined under “User / [your directory]” or “User
/ *installed user* in the Job directory’s “results” folder. Interim results (*.b3d files) can also be opened in the
CINEMA 4D Picture Viewer.
If you have administrator rights you can download the finished files (from the computer on which the NET Client
has been installed) from the regular file server onto your computer.
Since Release 9.5 it is possible to open intermediate results (*.b3d) in the Picture Viewer.
You say you’ll be on vacation in the Bahamas and want to render your animation? No problem. Just turn on the
external access to the render server which will allow you to control everything over the internet.
Flip through the NET Render manual for even more tips. Here you will find the most common problems and
their solutions.