Instruction Manual
19-5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
MAXQ7667 User’s Guide
ADD/ADDC src Add/Add with Carry
The ADD instruction sums the active accumulator (Acc or A[AP]) and the specified src data and stores the result
back to the active accumulator. The ADDC instruction additionally includes the Carry (C) Status Flag in the sum-
mation. For the complete list of src specifiers, reference the MOVE instruction. The MAXQ7667 may use the PFX[n]
register to supply the high byte of data for 8-bit sources.
Status Flags: C, S, Z, OV
ADD Operation: Acc ← Acc + src
Encoding: 15 0
Example(s): ;Acc = 2345h for each example
ADD A[3] ; A[3]=FF0Fh
→ Acc =2254h,C=1, Z=0, S=0, OV=0
ADD #0C0h ;
→ Acc =2405h,C=0, Z=0, S=0, OV=0
ADD A[4] ; A[4]=C000h
→ Acc = E345h, C=0, Z=0, S=1, OV=0
ADD A[5] ; A[5]=6789h
→ Acc = 8ACEh, C=0, Z=0, S=1, OV=0
ADDC Operation: Acc ← Acc + C + src
Encoding: 15 0
Example(s): ; Acc = 2345h for each example
ADDC A[3] ; A[3] = DCBAh, C=1
→ Acc = 0000h, C=1, Z=1, S=0, OV=0
ADDC @DP[0]-- ; @DP[0] = 00EEh, C=1
→ Acc = 2434h, C=0, Z=0, S=0, OV=0
Special Notes: The active accumulator (Acc) is not allowed as the src for these operations.