Users Guide: MAXQ2010 Supplement User Manual

MAXQ Family Users Guide:
MAXQ2010 Supplement
Table 6-1. Port Pin Special and Alternate Functions (continued)
P2.3 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG19 DPE = 1 and PCF2 = 1
P2.4 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG20 DPE = 1 and PCF2 = 1
P2.5 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG21 DPE = 1 and PCF2 = 1
P2.6 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG22 DPE = 1 and PCF2 = 1
P2.7 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG23 DPE = 1 and PCF2 = 1
P3.0 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG24 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.1 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG25 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.2 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG26 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.3 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG27 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.4 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG28 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.5 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG29 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.6 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG30 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P3.7 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG31 DPE = 1 and PCF3 = 1
P4.0 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG32 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.1 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG33 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.2 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG34 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.3 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG35 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.4 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG36 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.5 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG37 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.6 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG38 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P4.7 Special Analog LCD Segment SEG39 DPE = 1 and PCF4 = 1
P5.0 Alternate External Interrupt 8 (EIE1.0) EX8 = 1
P5.0 Alternate Type B Timer 0 Input B EXENB = 1
P5.0 Special Type B Timer 0 Output B (Compare Output)
(overrides Serial 0 Data)
P5.0 Special Serial Port 0 Data (Mode 0)
Mode 0: SBUF0 is written or REN is set to 1
(until serial transmission completes)
P5.0 Alternate Serial Port 0 Receive (Modes 1/2/3) Modes 1/2/3: REN = 1
P5.1 Alternate External Interrupt 9 (EIE1.1) EX9 = 1
P5.1 Alternate Type B Timer 0 Input A (Counter Input) C/TB = 1
P5.1 Special Type B Timer 0 Output A (Clock Output)
C/TB = 0 and TB0E = 1 (overrides serial
port 0 transmit/clock)
P5.1 Special Serial Port 0 Transmit/Clock
Mode 0: REN set to 1 (until serial transmis-
sion completes)
Mode 1/2/3: SBUF0 is written (until serial
transmission completes)
P5.2 Alternate External Interrupt 10 (EIE1.2) EX10 = 1
P5.2 Special RTC Square-Wave Output RTCE = 1 and SQE = 1
P5.3 Alternate External Interrupt 11 (EIE1.3) EX11 = 1
P5.3 Alternate
SPI Slave-Select Input (SSEL)
SPIEN = 1 and MSTM = 0
P5.4 Alternate External Interrupt 12 (EIE1.4) EX12 = 1
P5.4 Alternate MOSI: SPI Slave Input (Slave Mode) SPIEN = 1 and MSTM = 0
P5.4 Special MOSI: SPI Master Output (Master Mode) SPIEN = 1 and MSTM = 1
P5.5 Alternate External Interrupt 13 (EIE1.5) EX13 = 1
P5.5 Alternate SCLK: SPI Clock Input (Slave Mode) SPIEN = 1 and MSTM = 0