Users Guide: MAXQ2000 Supplement Manual

MAXQ Family Users Guide:
MAXQ2000 Supplement
Register Name: PO3
Register Description: Port 3 Output Register
Register Address: M0[03h]
Bits 0 to 7: (PO3.0 to PO3.7) Port 3 Output. This register stores the data that will be output on any of the pins of Port 3 that have been
defined as output pins. If the port pins are in input mode, this register controls the weak pullup for each pin. Changing the data direc-
tion of any pins for this port (through register PD3) will not affect the value in this register.
Register Name: EIF0
Register Description: External Interrupt Flag 0 Register
Register Address: M0[06h]
Each bit in this register is set when a negative or positive edge (depending on the ITn bit setting) is detected on the corresponding
interrupt pin. Once an external interrupt has been detected, the interrupt flag bit will remain set until cleared by software or a reset.
Setting any of these bits will cause the corresponding interrupt to trigger if it is enabled to do so.
Bit 0: (EIF0.0) External Interrupt 0 Edge Detect (IE0)
Bit 1: (EIF0.1) External Interrupt 1 Edge Detect (IE1)
Bit 2: (EIF0.2) External Interrupt 2 Edge Detect (IE2)
Bit 3: (EIF0.3) External Interrupt 3 Edge Detect (IE3)
Bit 4: (EIF0.4) External Interrupt 4 Edge Detect (IE4)
Bit 5: (EIF0.5) External Interrupt 5 Edge Detect (IE5)
Bit 6: (EIF0.6) External Interrupt 6 Edge Detect (IE6)
Bit 7: (EIF0.7) External Interrupt 7 Edge Detect (IE7)
Register Name: EIE0
Register Description: External Interrupt Enable 0 Register
Register Address: M0[07h]
Each bit in this register controls the enable for one external interrupt. If the bit is set to 1, the interrupt is enabled (if it is not otherwise
masked). If the bit is set to 0, its corresponding interrupt is disabled.
Bit # 76543210
Name PO3.7 PO3.6 PO3.5 PO3.4 PO3.3 PO3.2 PO3.1 PO3.0
Reset 11111111
Access r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
Bit # 76543210
Name EX7 EX6 EX5 EX4 EX3 EX2 EX1 EX0
Reset 00000000
Access r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
Bit # 76543210
Name IE7 IE6 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE2 IE1 IE0
Reset 00000000
Access r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w
Maxim Integrated