
Precision SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local
Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms
Detailed Description
The MAX6648/MAX6692 are temperature sensors
designed to work in conjunction with a microprocessor
or other intelligence in thermostatic, process-control, or
monitoring applications. Communication with the
MAX6648/MAX6692 occurs through the SMBus-com-
patible serial interface and dedicated alert pins. ALERT
asserts if the measured local or remote temperature is
greater than the software-programmed ALERT high
limit or less than the ALERT low limit. ALERT also
asserts if the remote-sensing diode pins are shorted or
unconnected. The overtemperature alarm, OVERT,
asserts if the software-programmed OVERT limit is
exceeded. OVERT can be connected to fans, a system
shutdown, a clock throttle control, or other thermal-
management circuitry.
The MAX6648/MAX6692 convert temperatures to digital
data either at a programmed rate or in single conver-
sions. Temperature data is represented as 10 bits plus
sign, with the LSB equal to 0.125°C. The “main” tempera-
ture data registers (at addresses 00h and 01h) are 8-bit
registers that represent the data as 7 bits with the final
MSB indicating the diode fault status (Table 1). The
remaining 3 bits of temperature data are available in the
“extended” registers at addresses 11h and 10h (Table 2).
ADC and Multiplexer
The averaging ADC integrates over a 60ms period
(each channel, typically), with excellent noise rejection.
The multiplexer automatically steers bias currents
through the remote and local diodes. The ADC and
associated circuitry measure each diode’s forward volt-
age and compute the temperature based on this volt-
age. Both channels are automatically converted once
the conversion process has started, either in free-run-
ning or single-shot mode. If one of the two channels is
not used, the device still performs both measurements,
and the user can ignore the results of the unused chan-
Pin Description
Supply Voltage Input, 3V to 5.5V. Bypass V
to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor. A 200Ω series
resistor is recommended but not required for additional noise filtering.
Combined Remote-Diode Current Source and A/D Positive Input for Remote-Diode Channel. DO
NOT LEAVE DXP DISCONNECTED; connect DXP to DXN if no remote diode is used. Place a
2200pF capacitor between DXP and DXN for noise filtering.
Combined Remote-Diode Current Sink and A/D Negative Input. DXN is internally biased to one
diode drop above ground.
Overtemperature Alert/Interrupt Output, Open Drain. OVERT is logic low when the temperature is
above the software-programmed threshold.
5 GND Ground
SMBus Alert (Interrupt) Output, Open Drain. ALERT asserts when temperature exceeds user-set
limits (high or low temperature). ALERT stays asserted until acknowledged by either reading the
status register or by successfully responding to an alert response address, provided that the fault
condition no longer exists. See the
Interrupts section.
7 SDA SMBus Serial-Data Input/Output, Open Drain
8 SCLK SMBus Serial-Clock Input
130 0 111 1111
127 0 111 1111
126 0 111 1111
25 0 001 1001
0 0 000 0000
<0 0 000 0000
-1 0 000 0000
-25 0 000 0000
Diode fault
(short or open)
1 000 0000
Table 1. Main Temperature Data Register
Format (00h, 01h)