
±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected,
10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers
10 ______________________________________________________________________________________
Pin Description
Fault output. 1 = fault; 0 = normal operation
A or B under the following conditions:
A-B differential <200mV
A shorted to B
A shorted to a voltage within the common-mode range
(detected only when the driver is enabled)
B shorted to a voltage within the common-mode range
(detected only when the driver is enabled)
A or B outside the common-mode range
2 1 1 RO
Receiver Output. If receiver enabled and (A-B) -50mV,
RO = high; if (A-B) -200mV, RO = low.
— 2 2 RE Receiver Output Enable. Pull RE low to enable RO.
— — 3 DE
Driver Output Enable. Pull DE low to enable the outputs.
Force DE high to three-state the outputs. Drive RE and DE
high to enter low-power shutdown mode.
3 — DE/RE
Driver/Receiver Output Enable. Pull DE/RE low to three-
state the driver output and enable RO. Force DE/RE high
to enable driver output and three-state RO.
— 3 DE
Driver Output Enable. Force DE high to enable driver. Pull
DE low to three-state the driver output. Drive RE high and
pull DE low to enter low-power shutdown mode.
4 4 DI
Driver Input. A logic-low on DI forces the noninverting
output low and the inverting output high. A logic-high on
DI forces the noninverting output high and the inverting
output low.
— — 4 TXD
J1708 Input. A logic-low on TXD forces outputs A and B
to the dominant state. A logic-high on TXD forces outputs
A and B to the recessive state.
5 5 5 GND Ground
6 6 6 A Noninverting Receiver Input/Driver Output
7 7 7 B Inverting Receiver Input/Driver Output
8 8 8 V
Positive Supply, V
= +4.75V to +5.25V