
SMPS POR, UVLO, and Soft-Start
Power-on reset (POR) occurs when V
rises above
approximately 1.9V, resetting the undervoltage, overvolt-
age, and thermal-shutdown fault latches. The POR circuit
also ensures that the low-side drivers are pulled low until
the SMPS controllers are activated. The V
input under-
voltage lockout (UVLO) circuitry prevents the switching
regulators from operating if the 5V bias supply (V
) is below its 4.2V UVLO threshold.
Regulator A Startup
Once the 5V bias supply rises above this input UVLO
threshold and ONA is pulled high, the main step-down
controller (regulator A) is enabled and begins switching.
The internal voltage soft-start gradually increments the
feedback voltage by 10mV every 12 switching cycles.
Therefore, OUTA reaches its nominal regulation voltage
after regulator A is enabled (see the REG
A Startup Waveform (Heavy Load) graph in the Typical
Operating Characteristics).
Regulator B and C Startup
The internal step-down controllers start switching and the
output voltages ramp up using soft-start. If the bias supply
voltage drops below the UVLO threshold, the controller
stops switching and disables the drivers (LX_becomes
high impedance) until the bias supply voltage recovers.
Once the 5V bias supply and INBC rise above their
respective input UVLO thresholds (SHDN must be pulled
high to enable the reference), and ONB or ONC is pulled
high, the respective internal step-down controller (regu-
lator B or C) becomes enabled and begins switching.
The internal voltage soft-start gradually increments the
feedback voltage by 10mV every 24 switching cycles
for regulator B or every 12 switching cycles for regulator
C. Therefore, OUTB reaches its nominal regulation volt-
age 1800/f
after regulator B is enabled, and OUTC
reaches its nominal regulation voltage 900/f
regulator C is enabled (see the REG B Startup Waveform
(Heavy Load) and REG C Startup Waveform (Heavy
Load) graphs in the Typical Operating Characteristics).
SMPS Power-Good Outputs (POK)
POKA, POKB, and POKC are the open-drain outputs of
window comparators that continuously monitor each out-
put for undervoltage and overvoltage conditions. POK_
is actively held low in shutdown (SHDN = GND), standby
(ONA = ONB = ONC = GND), and soft-start. Once the
soft-start sequence terminates, POK_ becomes high
impedance as long as the output remains within ±8%
(min) of the nominal regulation voltage set by FB_. POK_
goes low once its corresponding output drops 12% (typ)
below its nominal regulation point, an output overvoltage
fault occurs, or the output is shut down. For a logic-level
POK_ output voltage, connect an external pullup resistor
between POK_ and LDO5. A 100kΩ pullup resistor works
well in most applications.
SMPS Fault Protection
Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
If the output voltage rises above 112% (typ) of its nomi-
nal regulation voltage, the controller sets the fault latch,
pulls POK_ low, shuts down the respective regulator, and
immediately pulls the output to ground through its low-
side MOSFET. Turning on the low-side MOSFET with
100% duty cycle rapidly discharges the output capaci-
tors and clamps the output to ground. However, this
commonly undamped response causes negative output
voltages due to the energy stored in the output LC at
the instant the OVP occurs. If the load cannot tolerate a
negative voltage, place a power Schottky diode across
the output to act as a reverse-polarity clamp. If the con-
dition that caused the overvoltage persists (such as a
shorted high-side MOSFET), the input source also fails
(short-circuit fault). Cycle V
below 1V or toggle the
respective enable input to clear the fault latch and restart
the regulator.
Output Undervoltage Protection (UVP)
Each MAX17019 includes an output UVP circuit that
begins to monitor the output once the startup blanking
period has ended. If any output voltage drops below 88%
(typ) of its nominal regulation voltage, the UVP protection
immediately sets the fault latch, pulls the respective POK
output low, forces the high-side and low-side MOSFETs
into high-impedance states (DH = DL = low), and shuts
down the respective regulator. Cycle V
below 1V or
toggle the respective enable input to clear the fault latch
and restart the regulator.
Thermal-Fault Protection
The MAX17019 features a thermal fault-protection circuit.
When the junction temperature rises above +160°C, a
thermal sensor activates the fault latch, pulls all POK
outputs low, and shuts down all regulators. Toggle SHDN
to clear the fault latch and restart the controllers after the
junction temperature cools by 15°C.
MAX17019 High-Input-Voltage Quad-Output Controller
Maxim Integrated