
Low-Voltage, Quad-/Hex-/Octal-Voltage
µP Supervisors
Maxim Integrated
Pin Description (MAX16006/MAX16007) (continued)
14 12 MARGIN
Margin Disable Input. Pull MARGIN low to deassert all outputs (go into high state), regardless of the
voltage at any monitored input.
15 OUT4
Output 4. When the voltage at IN4 falls below its threshold, OUT4 goes low and stays low until the
voltage at IN4 exceeds its threshold. The open-drain output has a 30µA internal pullup to V
16 OUT3
Output 3. When the voltage at IN3 falls below its threshold, OUT3 goes low and stays low until the
voltage at IN3 exceeds its threshold. The open-drain output has a 30µA internal pullup to V
17 OUT2
Output 2. When the voltage at IN2 falls below its threshold, OUT2 goes low and stays low until the
voltage at IN2 exceeds its threshold. The open-drain output has a 30µA internal pullup to V
18 OUT1
Output 1. When the voltage at IN1 falls below its threshold, OUT1 goes low and stays low until the
voltage at IN1 exceeds its threshold. The open-drain output has a 30µA internal pullup to V
19 15 RESET
Active-Low Reset Output. RESET asserts low when any of the monitored voltages falls below its
respective threshold or MR is asserted. RESET remains asserted for the reset timeout period after all
monitored voltages exceed their respective thresholds and MR is deasserted. This open-drain output
has a 30µA internal pullup.
20 16 IN1 Monitored Input Voltage 1. See Table 1 for the input voltage threshold.
21 17 IN2 Monitored Input Voltage 2. See Table 1 for the input voltage threshold.
22 18 IN3 Monitored Input Voltage 3. See Table 1 for the input voltage threshold.
23 19 IN4 Monitored Input Voltage 4. See Table 1 for the input voltage threshold.
24 20 TOL
Threshold Tolerance Input. Connect TOL to GND to select 5% threshold tolerance. Connect TOL to
to select 10% threshold tolerance.
8, 9,
13, 14
N.C. Not Internally Connected
—— EP
E xp osed P ad . E P i s i nter nal l y connected to GN D . C onnect E P to the g r ound p l ane to p r ovi d e a l ow ther m al
r esi stance p ath fr om the IC j uncti on to the P C B. D o not use as the el ectr i cal connecti on to G N D .