
MAX11203/MAX11213 16-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power,
Delta- Sigma ADCs with Programmable Gain
and GPIO
Maxim Integrated
CTRL2: Control 2 Register
The byte-wide CTRL2 register is a bidirectional read/write register. The byte written to the CTRL2 register controls the
direction and values of the digital I/O ports.
DIR[4:1]: The direction bits configure the direction of the DIO bit. When a DIR bit is set to 0, the associated DIO bit
is configured as an input and the value returned by a read of the DIO bit is the value being driven on the associated
GPIO. When a DIR bit is set to 1, the associated DIO bit is configured as an output and the GPIO port is driven to a
logic value of the associated DIO bit.
DIO[4:1]: The data input/output bits are bits associated with the GPIO ports. When a DIO is configured as an input,
the value read from the DIO bit is the logic value being driven at the GPIO port. When the direction is configured as an
output, the GPIO port is driven to a logic value associated with the DIO bit.
CTRL3: Control 3 Register
The byte-wide CTRL3 register is a bidirectional read/write register. The CTRL3 register controls the operation and
calibration of the device.
DGAIN[2:0] (MAX11213 only): The digital gain bits control the input referred gain. With a gain of 1, the input range is
0 to V
(unipolar) or ±V
(bipolar). As the gain in increased by 2x, the input range is reduced to 0 to V
or ±V
/gain. Digital gain is applied to the final offset and gain-calibrated digital data. The DGAIN[2:0] bits decode
to digital gains as follows:
000 = 1 100 = 16
001 = 2 101 = 32
010 = 4 110 = 64
011 = 8 111 = 128
NOSYSG: The no-system gain bit, NOSYSG, controls the system gain calibration coefficient. A 1 in this bit location
disables the use of the system gain value when computing the final offset and gain corrected data value. A 0 in this
location enables the use of the system gain value when computing the final offset and gain corrected data value.
NOSYSO: The no system offset bit, NOSYSO, controls the system offset calibration coefficient. A 1 in this location
disables the use of the system offset value when computing the final offset and gain corrected data value. A 0 in this
location enables the use of the system offset value when computing the final offset and gain corrected data value.
NOSCG: The no self-calibration gain bit, NOSCG, controls the self-calibration gain calibration coefficient. A 1 in this
location disables the use of the self-calibration gain value when computing the final offset and gain corrected data
value. A 0 in this location enables the use of the self-calibration gain value when computing the final offset and gain
corrected data value.
NOSCO: The no self-calibration offset bit, NOSCO, controls the use of the self-calibration offset calibration coefficient.
A 1 in this location disables the use of the self-calibration offset value when computing the final offset and gain cor-
rected data value. A 0 in this location enables the use of the self-calibration offset value when computing the final offset
and gain corrected data value.
Table 13. CTRL2 Register (Read/Write)
Table 14. CTRL3 Register (Read/Write)
*These DGAIN_ bits are don’t-care bits for the MAX11203.
BIT B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
BIT B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0