Owner manual

DS4830 User’s Guide
AND src Logical AND
Description: Performs a logical-AND between the active accumulator (Acc) and the specified src data. For the
complete list of src specifiers, reference the MOVE instruction.
Because the source field is
limited to 8 bits, the PFX[n] register is used to supply the high-byte of data for 16 bit sources.
Status Flags: S, Z
Operation: Acc Acc AND src
Encoding: 15 0
Example(s): ; Acc = 2345h for each example
AND A[3] ; A[3]=0F0Fh
; Acc = 0305h, S=0, Z=0
AND #33h ; Acc = 0001h
AND #2233h ; generates object code below
; MOVE PFX[0], #22h (smart-prefixing)
; AND #33h
; Acc = 2201h
MOVE PFX[0], #0Fh
AND M0[8] ; M0[8]=0Fh (assume M0[8] is an 8-bit register)
; Acc = 0305h
Special Notes: The active accumulator (Acc) is not allowed as the src for this operation.
AND Acc.<b> Logical AND Carry Flag with Accumulator bit
Description: Performs a logical-AND between the Carry (C) status flag and a specified bit of the active
accumulator (Acc.<b>) and returns the result to the Carry.
Status Flags: C
Operation: C C AND Acc.<b>
Encoding: 15 0
Example(s): ; Acc = 2345h, C=1 at start
AND Acc.0 ; Acc.0=1 C=1
AND Acc.1 ; Acc.1=0 C=0
AND C, Acc.8 ; Acc.8=1 C=0