
Maxim Integrated |
Single-Channel 1-Wire Master
Function Commands
The DS2482-100 understands eight function com-
mands that fall into four categories: device control, I
communication, 1-Wire setup, and 1-Wire communica-
tion. The feedback path to the host is controlled by a
read pointer, which is set automatically by each func-
tion command for the host to efficiently access relevant
information. The host processor sends these com-
mands and applicable parameters as strings of one or
two bytes using the I
C interface. The I
C protocol
requires that each byte be acknowledged by the
receiving party to confirm acceptance or not be
acknowledged to indicate an error condition (invalid
code or parameter) or to end the communication. See
C Interface
section for details of the I
C protocol
including acknowledge.
The function commands are as follows:
1) Device Reset 5) 1-Wire Single Bit
2) Set Read Pointer 6) 1-Wire Write Byte
3) Write Configuration 7) 1-Wire Read Byte
4) 1-Wire Reset 8) 1-Wire Triplet
Table 1. Valid Pointer Codes
Device Reset
Command Code F0h
Command Parameter None
Performs a global reset of device state machine logic. Terminates any ongoing 1-Wire
Typical Use Device initialization after power-up; reinitialization (reset) as desired.
Restriction None (can be executed at any time).
Error Response None
Command Duration Maximum 525ns. Counted from falling SCL edge of the command code acknowledge bit.
1-Wire Activity Ends maximum 262.5ns after the falling SCL edge of the command code acknowledge bit.
Read Pointer Position Status Register (for busy polling).
Status Bits Affected RST set to 1; 1WB, PPD, SD, SBR, TSB, DIR set to 0.
Configuration Bits Affected 1WS, APU, SPU set to 0.
Set Read Pointer
Command Code E1h
Command Parameter Pointer Code (see Table 1)
Sets the read pointer to the specified register. Overwrites the read pointer position of any 1-Wire
communication command in progress.
Typical Use
To prepare reading the result from a 1-Wire Read Byte command; random read access of
Restriction None (can be executed at any time).
Error Response
If the pointer code is not valid, the pointer code is not acknowledged and the command is
Command Duration None. The read pointer is updated on the rising SCL edge of the pointer code acknowledge bit.
1-Wire Activity Not affected.
Read Pointer Position As specified by the pointer code.
Status Bits Affected None
Configuration Bits Affected None
Status Register F0h
Read Data Register E1h
Configuration Register C3h