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1 = Loss of Transmit Clock (LOTC)
RSMS CCR3.4 RSYNC Multiframe Skip Control. Useful in framing format conversions from D4 to
ESF. This function is not available when the receive side elastic store is enabled.
0 = RSYNC will output a pulse at every multiframe
1 = RSYNC will output a pulse at every other multiframe note: for this bit to have any
affect, the RSYNC must be set to output multiframe pulses (RCR2.4=1 and
Pulse Density Enforcer Enable.
0 = disable transmit pulse density enforcer
1 = enable transmit pulse density enforcer
ECUS CCR3.2 Error Counter Update Select. See Section 8 for details.
0 = update error counters once a second
1 = update error counters every 42 ms (333 frames)
TLOOP CCR3.1 Transmit Loop Code Enable. See Section 17 for details.
0 = transmit data normally
1 = replace normal transmitted data with repeating code as defined in TCD register
TESMDM CCR3.0 Transmit Elastic Store Minimum Delay Mode. See Section 14.4 for details.
0 = elastic stores operate at full two frame depth
1 = elastic stores operate at 32–bit depth