Getting Started Guide for LX9 and Nexys3 User Manual

Analog Essentials
Getting Started Guide
For LX9 and Nexys-3
Detailed Steps: Opening the ISE Project to View the HDL and Launch EDK
1. Open Xilinx Project Navigator 13.4
a. Verify that the tools are using the correct directory by looking at the directory displayed at the top of
the ISE screen. Xilinx Tools default to opening the last used directory. Be careful to make sure that you
are not working on an older revision of the design. If ISE is not using the latest directory, then close the
project and re-open the latest project (in this case, C:\designs\maxim\v1_4\top.xise).
b. The top level source code for this project is contained within top.v. Double-click on top.v to open the ISE
Verilog editor.