Instruction Manual
MANUAL SUPER POWER Series 225 HYD 01/05/2004
The pump can be driven by either an internal combustion engine (crankshaft pulley or
gearbox PTO) or an electric motor. Depending on the speed and choice of drive, but should
always comply with the rated pressure/flow of the thruster.
For an internal combustion engine with fixed or variable speed, 3 types of pumps can be
used, depending on the unit to be fitted:
Direct PTO:
Fixed flow pump (***)
Variable displacement pump, depending on the model (**) (*)
Fixed flow pump with bypass (**) (*)
PTO with clutch:
Fixed flow pump (**) (*)
Variable displacement pump depending on the model (**) (*)
Fixed flow pump with bypass (**) (*)
On a DC or AC electric motor the following types of pumps can be used:
Fixed flow pump (*)
Fixed flow pump or other (**) (*)
(***) always require oil cooler
(**) require oil cooler when time of operation exceeds 15 minutes,
(*) oil cooler not necessary
Note: The above choices also depend on capacity of the oil tank etc.
The hydraulic directional control valve (DCV) must be equipped with a pressure gauge and
pressure relief valve and should preferably be placed as close as possible to the thruster unit.
The piping can be flexible or a mix of rigid and flexible type and should have crimp-
connected fittings.
The piping should match interior diameters and the service pressure equal or above that
which has been recommended.
The circuits must be as direct as possible and avoid any bends and joints.
The circuits must be clean and closed-off until final connection takes place.
The thruster hoses arriving at the thruster must be of the thermo-plastic non-conductive
The hydraulic motor drain line and the return T-line of the DCV should each go separately
and directly, back into the top of the oil tank.
Use synthetic, mineral or vegetable hydraulic oil, to ISO standard 32 to 48.
SUPER POWER Series 225 HYD: Flow = 33/35 litres/Min Pressure = 200/220 bars.
Detailed instructions and diagrams are delivered with each pack, specific to the installation