How to Stain or Paint

1 Put on gloves and prepare your materials.
2 Stir stain thoroughly using smooth strokes, avoid creating bubbles and do not shake
the stain container.
3 Working in the specified order and individual section, dip the foam brush into the stain
then use the rim of the container to release any excess. Use the foam brush to apply
the st ain onto the section. Using a cloth, rub the stain into the embossed woodgrain
ensuring complete and even coverage. Cleaning with solvent in-between finishing can
create adverse effect of combining different solvents present in the stain. Clean edges
will help define the individual components of the door. If preferred, the subtle color
variation found in wood can be replicated by selective removal of the stain. Using a rag
or cheese cloth, gently rub the surface removing very small amounts of stain. Apply
varying levels of pressure and work in the direction of the grain. Excessive pressure will
remove too much stain.
4 Once the door has been completely stained, check for any drips. While the stain is
still wet, lightly brush the entire surface of the door with a china bristle brush. Use
long strokes and work in the direction of the grain to even out color and achieve
5 Let the first stained surface dry, per the stain manufacturer’s recommended drying
time, before proceeding to the second side.
6 If you prefer a darker appearance, repeat staining steps one through five only after
first coat is completely dry. Do not sand between staining coats.
The top-coat or sealant for your door is very important and required for weatherability.
It protects the stained door from the elements and makes the door surface washable. Be
sure that the stain coating is completely dry and then apply a high-quality, UV stabilized,
clear exterior polyurethane coating (satin or low gloss).
1 Stir top coat thoroughly using smooth strokes, avoid creating bubbles and do not
shake the top coat container.
2 Do not overload the brush. Dip the end of the brush into the coating and gently slide
the flat side of the brush against the edge of the container to remove the excess.
Note: We recommend that all 6 sides (front and back faces plus all four edges)
be sealed to eliminate moisture absorption. The bottom of your door panel(s)
may contain a factory installed weatherstripping (sweep) which is sealed prior to
installation. Failure to observe this recommendation may void the warranty.
3 Apply with even, gentle strokes. Press hard enough to flex the bristles just a little and
then pull the brush gently along the door’s surface.
4 As you apply the sealant, pull the brush quickly along the area two or three times
lightly to even out the brush strokes.
5 Allow the first coat to dry completely (follow manufacturer’s recommendations)
and apply at least one more coat using the same steps as above. A minimum of two
coats is required for complete protection and the door should be resealed annually to
ensure lasting protection of the finish. Scuff sanding or light sanding may be needed
in between the coats based on manufacturers recommendation. Do not sand the final
6 After both sides of the door have been top-coated (twice) and are completely dry,
remove the paper and tape from the glass and protected surfaces.
7 Clean the glass with window cleaner and remove any finishing materials from the
glass with a safety razor.
8 Place door back into frame.
MIC-18124 / ©2018 Masonite International Corporation.
MIC-18124-PaintStain-Instructions.indd 2 7/5/18 12:07 PM