User's Manual 67 Masimo
Chapter 4: MOC-9
Flexible measurement expansion is enabled through MOC-9. It can display
parameters and measurements captured by third-party technologies in an
all-in-one view on Root.
When any MOC-9 module is connected, Root automatically creates a
Window that displays all the data from that module. The example below
shows the “SedLine” and “Capnography” Windows which display data from
the SedLine brain function monitoring and Phasein capnography MOC-9
modules that are connected to Root.
MOC-9 Ports
Use a MOC-9 cable to connect other MOC-9 modules to Root.
To use an MOC-9 Port
1. Identify the MOC-9 end of the cable.
2. Orient the cable to fit correctly into an MOC-9 Port.
3. Insert the MOC-9 cable securely into any of the three (3) compatible
ports on Root.