Instruction Manual

70 - 340
GRATOR is a vibroller for seedbed culvaon: in just one pass front bar levels soil, many elasc nes (10 per meter), arranged on 5 ranks,
rene it and double cage roller levels ridges and furrows le from llage. Frame is light but extremely strong, up to 6 m mounted and up to 12
m pull type versions are available.
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It is possible to choose between
straight (gamma) or delta tines: first
ones till soil with no effective turning:
this choice is optimal for retaining
soil water content when operating in
dry conditions like those for seeding
in late summer or late spring. On the
opposite delta tine with its higher
soil disturbance aerates and dries up
excessively wet soils, eradicates weeds
sprouted after primary tillage and
buries part of crop residues.