Instruction Manual

A Dente elasco con puntale a delta
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A Double coil spring – delta ne
Special double coil spring of ne allows
dampening and furthermore confers a
vibraon at high working speeds which
contributes to ner soil renement
A Double boucle de la dent
      
      
      
B Rullo “Crosskill”
      
     
B Crosskill roller
Double “Crosskill” roller with ned prole
levels soil and breaks up resulng clods,
preparing a very ne soil, ideal also for
smaller seed development.
B Rouleau Crosskiller
    
Accumulatore di azoto
  
     
    
      
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Nitrogen accumulator
Hydro-pneumac system with nitrogen
accumulator has the funcon to keep
uniform llage depth among the two wings
of the frame: with a floang conguraon
machine all soil proles can be followed!
Accumulateur d’azote
   
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