
5.6 SW feature descriptions
Here we describe the most useful and main features in the Dashboard.
5.6.1 Submaps feature
Submaps is a very powerful feature that allows building large maps (full
business center, factory, warehouse with total area of 10,000...300,000 or
more) based on smaller submaps (30...1000m2)
A submap is a part of the map. It includes a subset of used beacons covering
part of the navigation area. Current version of Marvelmind system can include up
to 10 submap. Please also check our help video.
Follow these steps:
1. Choose the beacons which will be added to certain submap0…submapN
2. Connect the modem and put all the beacons into sleeping mode
3. Click “erase map” button for removing some current settings of beacons and
4. Wake up all the beacons which should be served by submap0
5. Wait a little for map will automatically build. If needed use mirroring function
6. Freeze the map
7. Add the new submap by clicking “+” button. New submap is automatically
chosen as active
8. Wake up the beacons which should be served by submap1. By default, all
the beacons are served by the last unfrozen submap
9. If the new submap should include beacons which are at the moment served
by previous submaps (intersected submaps) click on each beacon, then
right-mouse-click=>Add to current submap
10. If the new submap has 1 or 2 common beacons with previous submaps, it
will settle as a part of the already built map. Two common beacons give a
tight binding. If there is only one common beacon it’s possible to drag and
drop the submap. If submaps do not have common beacons it is needed to
drag and drop the selected submap using the mouse and holding down the
CTRL button. Rotation of submap can be executed by using the mouse
11. Align submaps using M1/M2 parameter
12. Set Service Zones for each submap