
Reboot the autopilot (Do it every time before the flight or when the telemetry
readings on the left panel or horizon level begin to change their values when the
copter is in the initial and stationary state).
Switch flight mode to "PosHold"
Boost the autopilot - the gas stick, move it down and to the right and hold it in this
position until the buzzer’s long sound (if any), while the main LED stops flashing
and turns green.
Raise the gas stick to the middle position, at which point the screws must begin to
rotate. Further smooth increase in gas, raise the copter to a height of about 0.5
meters and again lower the gas to the central position (it is better to use the
equipment with a spring-loaded gas stick). In this case, the copter must keep its
position in the plane and in height.
If the Copter stably hangs, turn the switch, which is in charge of the flight modes to
the "Auto" position - the Copter must start the flight task, after which it will hang over
the last point of the route
Then you can switch it back to PosHold mode, lower the gas stick to the minimum
position, and when the copter sits up, move it to the lower left position until you hear
a short buzzer beep and the LED starts flashing again, release the gas.