
- Run the Dashboard and update the SW for all beacons and modem using
Dashboard => Firmware => Choose the file => Program
- If you see the message “Not found modem connection to computer through USB”
in the Dashboard or your PC does not recognize beacons/modem, it usually
means that the STM32 driver is not installed. To install the driver, download it with
link at top window in the Dashboard and run the installation file, then click on the
link under and install the driver
Ensure that:
- You are programming the modem’s SW to the modem and the beacon’s SW to
the beacon
- You are using SW for 4.9, if you have HW v4.9; and you have the SW from the
same SW pack, i.e., the Dashboard SW, modem SW, and beacon SW must be
from the same SW pack. Don’t mix SW releases
If SW flashed SUCESSUFLY, MOVE DIRECTLY TO 4.6.6. If you have some
problems with HEX programming, use DFU programming:
DFU programming or SW uploading is used when HEX SW uploading in the Dashboard
cannot be used. For example, when you are updating from a very old SW version or
when the SW includes major changes to the system and the only possible way to update
the SW is via DFU programming
- After the DFU SW upgrade, futures SW upgrades can be done in a regular
manner via the Dashboard
- Industrial beacons have magnetic DFU mode and reset
Magnetic DFU switch side
Magnetic Reset side