Programming Menu V3.8 a Notice The manufacturer shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,performance or use of use the publication.
Contents Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Notice ....................................................... Introduction ........................................... Codes Read ........................................... Installation .............................................. Pin Assignment ...................................... Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Description Configuration - General Flow Chart ............................................. Loop of Programming ...........................
5.12 Code 2 of 6 Parameters ......................... 44 5.13 LCD 25 Parameters ............................. 46 5.14 Telepen Parameters ............................. 48 5.15 GS1 DataBar (RSS Code) ........................50 Chapter 6 Miscellaneous Parameters 6.1 Language Selection .............................. 52 6.2 Bar Code ID .......................................... 54 6.3 Reading Level ........................................ 57 6.4 Accuracy ............................................... 57 6.
Chapter 1 Description 1.1 General Thank you for purchasing this barcode scanner with an advanced and versatile decoder.The decoder works with variety of barcode types,reading devices, and computer interfaces.It discriminates over twenty different symbologies automatically. This menu provides an easy way to configure the decoding options and interface selections by scanning bar codes listed in the menu.
1.2 Introduction The Decoder is an advanced and versatile decoding facility for barcoding systems .It works with variety of bar code types, reading devices, and computer interfaces. It discriminates about twenty different symbologies automatically. This menu provide an easy way to config the decoding options and interface selections by scanning bar codes listed in the menu. 1.3 Codes Read .
Power supply for RS-232C scanner– There are 3 ways to supplying the power, use external +5V power supply, use optional power cable (KBDC) which taking the power from KB wedge or if the host supports +5V power from pin 9. Installing the scanner to the Host System – 1. Turn off the host system. 2. Connect the power if needed. 3. Connect to the proper port on the host system. 4. Turn on the host system.
1.5 Pin Assignment A> Input Port for Mini Decoder DB 9 Male Pin No. Wand / CCD / Slot Reader Laser Scanner 1 N.C. S.O.S. 2 DATA DATA 3 N.C. N.C. 4 N.C. N.C. 5 N.C. TRIGGER 6 N.C. P. E. 7 GND GND 8 SHIELD SHIELD 9 +5V +5V 1 5 6 9 B> Output Port 1. PC Keyboard Output DIN 5 MALE DIN 5 FEMALE Pin No. Function Pin No. Function 1 HOST CLK 1 KB CLK 2 HOST DATA 2 KB DATA 4 GND 4 GND 5 Vcc(+5V) 5 Vcc(+5V) 1 3 1 3 5 4 5 4 2 2 MiniDIN 6 MALE Pin No.
2. RS-232 Output DB 9 Female Pin No. Function 5 2 TXD 3 RXD 5 GND 9 7 CTS 8 RTS Power Lead Vcc (+5V) 3. WAND Emulation Output DB 9 Female Pin No. Function 2 DATA 7 GND 9 Vcc (+5V) 4. ADB Interface MiniDIN 4 MALE Pin No. Function 1 ADB 3 Vcc 4 GND 1 6 5 1 9 6 MiniDIN 4 FEMALE Pin No. Function 1 ADB 3 Vcc 4 GND 3 4 4 3 1 2 2 1 5. NEC 9801 Interface MiniDIN 8 MALE Pin No. Function 1 RST 2 GND 3 HOST RDY 4 HOST DATA 5 RTY 8 +5V 6 3 1 7 4 MiniDIN 8 FEMALE Pin No.
Chapter 2 Configuration - General 2.
2.2 Loop of Programming The philosophy of programming parameters has been shown on the flow chart of 2.1. Basically user should 1.Scan Start of Configuration. 2.Scan all necessary labels for parameters that meet applications. 3.Scan End of Configuration to end the programming. 4.To permanently save the settings you programmed ,just scan label for Save Parameters. 5.To go back to the Default Settings,just scan label for Set All Defaults. 2.
2.4 Main Page of Configuration Save Parameters %$ + / 0 Recall Stored Parameters %$ + / 1 Set All Defaults %$ + / 2 Start Configuration %$ + / 3 End Configuration %$ + / 4 Abort Configuration %$ + / 6 Version Information %$ + / 5 Save Parameters The parameter settings will be saved permanently. Recall Stored Parameters Replace the current parameters by the parameters you saved last time. Set All Defaults Set all the parameters to the factory default settings.
Chapter 3 Interface and Reading Mode Selection 3.1 Interface Selection %0 0 U0 RS232 Mode %0 0 U8 WAND Emulation %0 0 M2 USB Mode %0 XO8 3.
Ch.4 Communication Parameters 4.
D> Set Up Parity Even %0 YN7 Odd %0 YN2 Mark %0 YN3 Space %0 YN1 %0 YN0 E> Handshaking RTS/CTS Enable %0 1 8 8 ACK/NAK Enable %0 1 8 0 %0 1 4 4 XON/XOFF Enable %0 1 4 0 %0 3 K4 %0 3 K0 14
B> Upper/Lower Case %0 3 3 0 Upper Case %0 3 3 1 Lower Case %0 3 3 2 C> Capslock Detection Enable %0 X8 8 %0 X8 0 D> Send Character by ALT Method Enable %0 3 O8 E>Select Numerical Pad ON %0 3 O0 %0 1 K4 %0 1 K0 16
B> Time-out Between Characters <0 ms> %0 0 7 0 5 ms %0 0 7 1 10 ms %0 0 7 2 25 ms %0 0 7 3 50 ms %0 0 7 4 100 ms %0 0 7 5 200 ms %0 0 7 6 300 ms %0 0 7 7 18
Ch.5 Bar Codes & Others 5.
Interleave 25 OFF %0 GO8 Industrial 25 ON %0 GO0 %0 HO8 Matrix 25 ON %0 HO0 %0 I O8 CODE 93 ON %0 I O0 %0 KO8 CODE 11 ON %0 KO0 %0 L O8 China Postage ON %0 L O0 %0 MO8 MSI/PLESSEY ON %0 MO0 %0 NO8 %0 NO0 21
Code 2 of 6 ON %0 PO8 %0 PO0 LCD25 ON %0 QO8 Telepen ON %0 QO0 %0 TO8 Reserved5 ON %0 TO0 %0 RO8 %0 RO0 Reserved6 ON %0 SO8 %0 SO0 22
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional ON %0 UO8 GS1 DataBar Limited ON %0 VO8 %0 UO0 GS1 DataBar Expanded ON %0 WO8 %0 VO0 %0 WO0 Select All Bar Codes %1 A/ + 23
B> Supplementals Set Up Transmit 2 Code %0 B3 3 Transmit 5 Code %0 B3 1 Transmit 2&5 Code %0 B3 2 %0 B3 0 C> Check Digit Transmission UPC-A Check Digit Transmission OFF %0 AI 2 UPC-E Check Digit Transmission %0 AI 0 OFF %0 BI 2 EAN-8 Check Digit Transmission %0 BI 0 OFF %0 A8 8 EAN-13 Check Digit Transmission %0 A8 0 OFF %0 AH1 ISSN Check Digit Transmission %0 AH0 OFF %0 BK4 %0 BK0 25
D> Decode Asterisk Enable %0 E2 2 %0 E2 0 E> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths. %4 E1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 3. 1st Set Complete %4 E0 0 %4 E0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2.
D> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths. %4 F1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 F0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 F0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 F0 0 3.
D> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths. %4 G1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 3. 1st Set Complete %4 G0 0 %4 G0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 3.
5.6 Industrial 25 Parameters A> Reading type IATA25 Enable %0 H4 4 %0 H4 0 B> Check Digit Transmission Calculate Check Digit & Transmit %0 HN3 %0 HN7 Calculate Check Digit & Not Transmit %0 HN5 C> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set.
%4 H1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 H0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 H0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 H0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 H0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
5.7 Matrix 25 Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission %0 I N3 Calculate Check Digit & Transmit %0 I N7 Calculate Check Digit & Not Transmit %0 I N5 B> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths.
%4 I 1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 I 0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 I 0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 I 0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 I 0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
C> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths. %4 J 1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 J 0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 J 0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 J 0 0 3.
5.9 Code 93 Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission %0 KN4 Do Not Calculate Check Digit %0 KN3 B> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths.
%4 K1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 K0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 K0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 K0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 K0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
5.10 Code 11 Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission Calculate Check 1 Digit & Transmit %0 L N3 %0 L N7 Calculate Check 1 Digit & Not Transmit Calculate Check 2 Digits & Transmit %0 L N5 %0 L N6 Calculate Check 2 Digits & Not Transmit %0 L N4 B> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3.
%4 L 1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 L 0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 L 0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 L 0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 L 0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
5.11 MSI/PLESSEY Code Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission Do Not Calculate Check Digit Calculate Check Digit & Transmit %0 NN3 %0 NN7 %0 NN5 B> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths.
%4 N1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 N0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 N0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 N0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 N0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
5.12 Code 2 of 6 Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission Calculate Check Digit & Transmit> %0 PN3 %0 PN7 Calculate Check Digit & Not Transmit %0 PN5 B> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths.
%4 P1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 P0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 P0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 P0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 P0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 + - / 3.
5.13 LCD25 Parameters A> Check Digit Transmission Calculate Check Digit & Transmit %0 QN3 %0 QN7 Calculate Check Digit & Not Transmit %0 QN5 B> Setup Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 to set additional lengths.
%4 Q1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 Q0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 Q0 1 1. 2st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 Q0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 Q0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 +- / 3.
5.14 Telepen Parameters A> Type of Code Compressed Numeric Mode %0 T8 0 %0 T8 8 B> Check Digit Transmission Do Not Calculate Check Digit %0 TN3 Calculate Check Digit & Transmit %0 TN7 %0 TN5 C> Set Up Code Length To set the fixed length: 1. Scan the "Begin" label of the desired set. 2. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the length to be read. 3. Scan the "Complete" label of the desired set.
%4 T1 + Fix Length (2 Sets Available) 1. 1st Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 T0 0 3. 1st Set Complete %4 T0 1 1. 2nd Set Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %4 T0 0 3. 2nd Set Complete %4 T0 2 Minimum Length 1. Begin 2. Decimal Value (Appendix A) %2 %+- / 3.
%0 V8 8 Don't Transmit Application ID Transmit Symbology ID %0 V8 0 %0 V4 4 %0 V4 0 C> GS1 DataBar Expanded Parameters Transmit Symbology ID %0 W4 4 %0 W4 0 51
Ch.6 Miscellaneous Parameters 6.
Belgium %0 ZVA Portuguese %0 ZVB Denmark %0 ZVC Netherlands %0 ZVD Turkey %0 ZVE Reserved2 %0 ZVF 53
6.2 Bar Code ID ON %0 0 H1 %0 0 H0 Default %9 1 3 + With this function ON, a leading character will be added to the output string while scanning code, user may refer to the following table to know what kind of bar code is being scanned. Please refer to the table below for matching code ID of codes read in.
UPC-A UPC-E %9 1 A+ EAN-13/JAN-13 %9 1 B+ EAN-8/JAN-8 %9 1 Y+ CODE 39 %9 1 Z+ CODE 128 %9 1 E+ CODABAR/NW7 %9 1 F+ Interleave 25 %9 1 J + Industrial 25 %9 1 G+ Matrix 25 %9 1 H+ CODE 93 %9 1 I + CODE 11 %9 1 K+ China Postage %9 1 L + MSI/PLESSEY %9 1 M+ %9 1 N+ 55
Code 2 of 6 %9 1 P+ Telepen %9 1 T+ LCD25 %9 1 Q+ RSS-14 %9 1 U+ RSS Limited %9 1 V+ RSS Expanded %9 1 W+ Reserved5 %9 1 R+ Reserved6 %9 1 S+ 56
6.3 Reading Level Bar Equals High %0 3 I 2 6.4 Accuracy %0 3 I 0 <1 Time> 2 Times %0 1 3 0 3 Times %0 1 3 1 4 Times %0 1 3 2 6.5 Buzzer Beep Tone %0 1 3 3 Medium %0 1 J 3 Low %0 1 J 2 Off %0 1 J 1 %0 1 J 0 6.
6.7 Sensitivity of Continuous Reading Mode A> Quick Setting: Slow %0 3 8 8 %0 3 8 0 B> Same Code Delay Reading Interval Following code sequences represent the length of time before a barcode can be rescanned at continuous and flash reading mode. The value can be defined from 1-50 and they represent 100ms to 5 seconds in 100ms interval.Default value is 3 (0.3 seconds). To setup same code delay reading interval: 1.Scan the "Begin" label 2.
6.9 Reverse Output Characters %0 3 H0 Enable 6.10 Setup Deletion %0 3 H1 To setup the deletion of output characters: 1. Scan the label of the desired set below. 2. Scan the label of the desired symbology. 3. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the desired position to be deleted. 4. Scan the "Complete" label of "Character Position to be Deleted". 5.
B> Symbologies Selection UPC-A UPC-E %8 1 A+ EAN-13/JAN-13/ISBN-13 %8 1 B+ EAN-8/JAN-8 %8 1 Y+ CODE 39 %8 1 Z+ CODE 128 %8 1 E+ CODABAR/NW7 %8 1 F+ Interleave 25 %8 1 J + Industrial 25 %8 1 G+ Matrix 25 %8 1 H+ CODE 93 %8 1 I + CODE 11 %8 1 K+ China Postage %8 1 L + MSI/PLESSEY %8 1 M+ %8 1 N+ 60
Code 2 of 6 Telepen %8 1 P+ LCD25 %8 1 T+ RSS-14 %8 1 Q+ RSS Limited %8 1 U+ RSS Expanded %8 1 V+ All Codes %8 1 W+ None %8 1 S+ %8 1 4 + C> Character Position to be Deleted 1. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 2. Complete %8 2 0 + D> Number of Characters to be Deleted 1. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 2.
6.11 Setup Insertion To setup the insertion of output characters: 1. Scan the label of the desired set. 2. Scan the label of the desired symbology. 3. Go to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A, scan label(s) that represents the desired position to be inserted. 4. Scan the "Complete" label of "Character Position to be Inserted". 5. Go to the ASCII Tables in Appendix B or Function Key Tables in Appendix C, scan label(s) that represents the desired characters to be inserted. 6.
B> Symbologies Selection UPC-A UPC-E %5 1 A+ EAN-13/JAN-13/ISBN-13 %5 1 B+ EAN-8/JAN-8 %5 1 Y+ CODE 39 %5 1 Z+ CODE 128 %5 1 E+ CODABAR/NW7 %5 1 F+ Interleave 25 %5 1 J + Industrial 25 %5 1 G+ Matrix 25 %5 1 H+ CODE 93 %5 1 I + CODE 11 %5 1 K+ China Postage %5 1 L + MSI/PLESSEY %5 1 M+ %5 1 N+ 63
Code 2 of 6 Telepen %5 1 P+ %5 1 T+ LCD25 RSS-14 %5 1 Q+ %5 1 U+ RSS Limited RSS Expanded %5 1 V+ %5 1 W+ All Codes None %5 1 S+ %5 1 4 + C> Character Position to be Inserted 1. Decimal Value (Appendix A) 2. Complete %5 2 0 + D> Characters to be Inserted 1. ASCII Table (Appendix B) 2.
Appendix A Decimal Value Table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 66
Appendix B ASCII Table NULL 00 SOH STX ETX 01 02 03 ENQ ACK 04 05 06 07 08 0A 0B 0D 0E 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 1A RS EM SUB ESC 1B SYN ETB CAN 18 DC3 DC4 NAK 15 DLE DC1 DC2 12 CR SO SI 0F LF VT FF 0C BEL BS HT 09 EOT FS GS 1C 1D 1E US 1F 67
SPACE 20 ! " # 21 22 23 % & 24 25 26 27 28 2A 2B 2D 2E 30 31 33 34 36 37 39 3A > 9 : ; 3B 6 7 8 38 3 4 5 35 0 1 2 32 - .
@ A 40 B C 41 42 43 E F 44 45 46 47 48 4A 4B 4D 4E 50 51 53 54 56 57 59 5A ^ Y Z [ 5B V W X 58 S T U 55 P Q R 52 M N O 4F J K L 4C G H I 49 D \ ] 5C 5D 5E _ 5F 69
` a 60 b c 61 62 63 e f 64 65 66 67 68 6A 6B 6D 6E 70 71 73 74 76 77 79 7A ~ y z { 7B v w x 78 s t u 75 p q r 72 m n o 6F j k l 6C g h i 69 d | } 7C 7D 7E DEL 7F 70
Appendix C Function Key Table F1 F2 C0 C1 F3 C2 F4 F5 C3 C4 F6 C5 F7 F8 C6 C7 F9 C8 F10 F11 C9 CA F12 CB Insert Delete CC CD Home CE Page Up Page Down CF D0 End D1 Left Right D2 D3 Up D4 Down D5 71
Save Parameters %$ + / 0 Recall Stored Parameters %$ + / 1 Set All Defaults %$ + / 2 Start Configuration %$ + / 3 End Configuration %$ + / 4 Abort Configuration %$ + / 6 Version Information %$ + / 5 Ver 3.