Operation Manual

178 Options for using the final movie
Note: A chapter menu cannot contain more than 99 entries. If your
movie has more chapters, then you can either burn it without a
chapter menu or split it into multiple parts.
Note on SVCD compatibility
Some DVD players may have difficulty p ated SVCDs
rnin if the disc contains a project burned in
"Chapter and photo menus" mode and contains several slideshows
otos. These compatibility problems can
preview pictures in the disc
the menu entries can be selected
e remote control, but sometimes they become
ted for the TV cut
Background video: the menu background.
te animated menu buttons: The preview pictures for individual
he menu.
Play menu animation as a loop: The background video (audio
will be played back as a loop.
laying cre
(despite fault-free bu g)
and/or a large number of ph
be avoided by:
Using menu mode 1 or 2 for SVCD,
Only adding a single movie to the disc, or
Turning off the PBC (playback control) function, i. e. the menu
navigation of the DVD player.
Preview pictures: Shows/Hides the
Numbering: The numbers beside
directly using th
bothersome. This option lets you turn them on and off.
Frame: A frame borders the preview pictures. If you think it gets in
the way, then you can easily remove it using this option.
TV cut: Use this to select whether the picture selec
should also be used in the disc menu
Background graphic: Use this to include your own background
picture for the menu (.bmp or .jpg format). It is also possible to use
ind idual pictures (frames) from your slideshows.
Load a video for
Background video op
movies from the film menu are shown as small movie samples. You
can set the start point and length of the animation using the
sequence options faders.
Use the audio track of the video: The audio track of the
background video is used with t
and/or video)
Length of the menu view is set by the audio/video or whichever
medium is longer. Here you can specify how long the background