Operation Manual

134 Titles and effects
is no echo at all; turned completely to the right, there are
virtually endless repetitions
Feedback: Adjusts the number of echoes. Turned completely to the
left, there
Timestretch and
This effect device changes the object’s speed and/or pitch.
nges the tempo independent of the pitch
g in standard quality. This
ut a pronounced beat.
Beat markers are evaluated to improve audio quality.
hshifting for audio material
a considerably more complex algorithm is used which requires
, which makes the sound softer and emits it at
ore complex spectra
atching tool is provided for users to set the markers
Pitch: This control changes the pitch independent of the object’s
speed (‘pitch
Tempo: This control cha
("time-stretching"). The object acts as if it were compressed or
stretched on the track.
Tones/BPM: These fields are used to numerically enter the pitch
speed change. Only MAGIX Soundpool files are suitable for
entries as the contain information on pitch and speed.
Setup: This button opens a setup dialog where you can select
various pitchshifting and timestretching procedures.
Standard: Timestretching and pitchshiftin
method is suitable for audio material witho
Smoothed: Timestretching and pitc
without pulsing elements. The method is suitable for polyphonic
orchestral instruments, pauses, speech, and singing. Beat markers
are not evaluated.
more processing time. The material can now also be used on very
large factors (0.2...50) without bringing about strong artifacts. The
material is "smoothed"
an adjusted phase level. This smoothing is hardly audible, for
example, with speech, singing or solo instrumentation. Problems in
the shape of distortions may arise with m
(sound mixes from various instruments or finished mixes).
Beat marker slicing: Beat-synchronous timestretching an
pitchshifting via splitting and temporal repositioning. Exactly set beat
markers are required at the beats or transients. The markers can be
generated in real time (automatically) or read from the WAV file if
available (patched). In the Plus version's included MAGIX Music
Editor, a p
themselves. The algorithm is suitable for rhythmic material that can
be divided into individual beats or notes. This requires a low audio
level before each beat or note.