User's Manual

GM550 v1043 FCC-IC.doc Revision 2 49
Wireless Load Pins
WARNING! Do not pull on a load pin by the pigtail.
LP011, LP015, and LP026
Step 1. Mount the load pin to the boom tip or block by replacing the pin of the wedge socket.
The load pin is directional and must be oriented correctly to indicate load accurately.
Install the pin so that the bracket embraces the wedge socket and prevents pin
Tip: When installed at the boom tip the lot number can be read right side up and the “line pull”
arrow points down towards the block. When installed at a single part block the lot number can be
read upside down and the “line pull” arrow points up towards the boom tip.
Step 2. Secure the load pin in place with a cotter pin or other suitable keeper device.
Load pin
Cotter pin
Wedge socket
Boom tip
Figure: Load pin LP011, LP015, or LP026 – installation at boom tip